Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Massive Passive Income: What are the Differences between WordPress and WordPress MU?

Wordpress is the free, wildly popular blogging platform that millions of bloggers use to power their blogs. Many web hosts offer a quick install script for Wordpress that will allow you to have a blog set up and ready to receive fresh content in about 10 minutes or less.

Wordpress MU, with the MU standing for multi-user, used to be a separately developed solution for setting up a network of blogs which allowed blogs to have multiple users each with their own dashboard and theme. But since the launch of Wordpress version 3.0, all of the functionality of Wordpress MU that was once separate has now been folded into the basic Wordpress software. So, now there really is no difference between Wordpress and Wordpress MU as they are now one and the same product.

For a classic example of Wordpress MU, take a look at It represents a single install of the Wordpress software that allows you to run hundreds or even thousands of separate blogs. Wordpress MU is often used by newspapers, magazines and blog networks. It's also a great solution for schools and universities as well as small or big companies that want to set up public or private blogging networks. The beauty of the system is that administrators can perform management tasks on a site-wide basis on a single login to the main dashboard.

Can you see now how amazing this is for marketers who previously had to install a new instance of Wordpress for each separate blog? That meant logging in and logging out of each blog, doing the same maintenance tasks such as database backups and managing plug-ins over and over. Imagine if you wanted to set up a network of niche blogs on various topics. Traditionally, you?d set up each blog, set up the Adsense or whatever ad network you were using, create the content and then move on to the next one. It's a labor-intensive process that is now obsolete thanks to Massive Passive Profits.

Massive Passive Profits is a mass deploy autoblogging system that allows users to automate the set up and content generation of wordpress multiuser sites. But isn't autoblogging an easy way to get your site banned? Absolutely not. Autoblogging, if done correctly can automate the creation of niche blogs which aggregate content on a particular topic that people are searching for. When they land on your blog they will find the information that they were looking for, along with some ads selected to appeal to your niche target market.

Autoblogging takes the sweat out of setting up and maintaining a blog network and puts this lucrative, passive income opportunity within the reach of many more people. If you've been running a bunch of blogs the traditional way that is painstakingly researching and writing the content yourself, or hiring a freelancer to do it, you know that this method is time consuming and expensive on the front end.

But with Massive Passive Profits you install Wordpress just once, and then very quickly set up as many niche blogs in your network as you want. You'll set them and then forget them and let the autoblogging platform do its thing while you turn your attention to other profitable projects. Republished with author's permission by Ruthsella Corasol

Saturday, November 26, 2011

It's time you were treated like a queen -- or king -- for (at least) a day.You've waited long enough.

Author's program note. Years ago there was a television program called "Queen for a Day" where some perfectly average Jane or Betty was selected by host Jack Bailey and got herself pampered for a memorable day she would never forget. Frankly, this is what we all need and, sad to say, the program is long gone.

Being the focus of an episode of "This is your life" (host Ralph Edwards) would have worked, too, but that also bit the dust in 1972; otherwise I'd recommend you as their next guest right this minute. Yikes! Where the number of opportunities for showcasing you should be rising, in fact they have plummeted and that is very much the problem... and the reason for this ultra-necessary article.

To get this process underway I have selected one of Hollywood's most soaring scores... it's "Conquest" by Alfred Newman, commissioned for the 1947 film "Captain from Castile" starring one of the great stars of the silver screen.... Tyrone Power. It's music in the grand tradition... and it brightened the lives and put zip in the step of all who heard it. Since I was born in '47, I like to think my mother was humming it in the delivery room. It certainly suits me.

Go to any search engine now and marinate yourself in its uplifting exuberance. Like I've been trying to tell you; you deserve it. Got it on? Now we must craft an event worthy of the music... and of you!

You are not unwanted.... you are not unconsidered... but you are most assuredly uncelebrated and unheralded. And (let's be brutally frank with each other) that irritates, irks, and galls you, doesn't it, well doesn't it?

You work incredibly hard to keep home, hearth and happiness together, and you want more than the occasional peck on the cheek, more than the Hallmark card with its pre-written message of banality and over ripe sentimentality. Yes, you want more... more than the once-a-year visit to the waffle house for Mother's Day... or the lackluster seasonal greetings for Father's Day. You want more.... you deserve more... and now with me as your self-appointed but supremely necessary Wizard-in-Chief, you shall have more.

The Plan.

You have been patient long enough. I think you know, too, further patience won't deliver the love-in that you desire. You do know this, right? So, it's time for a radical change of ideas and a brand-new plan... what celebrated author Grace Paley called "enormous changes at the last minute." In short we mean to take business as usual and... trash it. Capiche? If not, I can assure you you'll have an "aha!" moment shortly.

Start from the proposition that no one (now that Bailey and Edwards and all their ilk are gone) is going to organize a day (or even two) in your honor, much less possess the skills to conceive, craft, and consummate it. As my beloved Grammy used to say, "If you want something done right, do it yourself." You know it's true, so don't pine too long over the fact that all the significant others in your life (spouse, children, bowling buddies et al) went missing on this matter... just be glad it's happening at all. And turn up the volume on "Conquest" for we are already behind in getting you just what you've waited for and wanted for, oh, so long.

The " to-do" llst.

* We need a date. And, dear friend, soonest... for if you put this off you will never do it!

* A venue. If you're broke (as millions most assuredly are in our thread-bare days), then it will have to be at your residence. Nothing wrong with that. The oldest of olde English adages is "A man's home is his castle." In these days of gender equality, the same must be said for "a woman's home." Got a few bucks? Then rent a function room at a local hotel. Remember, it's your day; it doesn't happen every day, and you should approach it accordingly.

However, either way, you must have a place you can be proud of... for you can be sure your great event will attract shutter-bugs of every age.

* Enlist some help... your best friend Trudy or Bill will do nicely.

Your best friend already knows your oddities and idiosyncrasies, so this idea won't unhinge them. They'll just chuckle and say, "You, dog, you..." And wishing they'd thought up the idea, give you a hand. You'll need it.

When you're finished with these tasks, get down to business.

* Tackle the guest list. Just who do you want to attend? Remember, these events can range from long overdue soirees with just you and your significant other... to a "Hail to the Chief" event at the White House. It depends on what you well and truly want... and will work for. Either way you'll need a guest list. Make sure to include that Ms. Nastiness of the accounts department. Sure you hate her guts.... but that's the point. Think how envious she'll be when the boss hands you an award and a bushel of compliments. It'll be worth all the snide comments she'll surely make... But, she's making those already.

* About the award. You probably don't know this (it's just one reason why I'm such a valuable member of your support team) but EVERY government body -- local, state, federal -- has a drawer full of them... waiting just for your name and particular achievement to enter. My walls are full of them, and why should yours continue to be empty when it just takes knowing how to arrange matters to give them a very different look... again to the monumental chagrin of Ms. Nastiness.

Have your helper send a note like this to the governor of your state, for instance. It reads so: "I am writing to let you know that one of our state's true treasures -- your name -- is finally being recognized for a lifetime of unsung service. Her many friends are holding a recognition event on (date) and would welcome your attendance, to say a few words and present a certificate. We await your positive answer and thank you for your consideration."

Just how difficult are these citations to get? Well, the day before my brother married a beautiful Oklahoma girl, my mother and I went to the capital building to see what we could see and learn the lore. It dawned on me I'd like to give them a special present at the rehearsal dinner that night. In three hours I had one from the State of Oklahoma, signed by its governor (on a Friday afternoon, mind). "Next time" said his excellency's efficient secretary as she handed it to me, "give us more time", but as my brother and his bride are still happily yoked, I have not had further occasion to heed this advice. But it should be of benefit to you.

Your entry... your apotheosis.

Now it's time to consider what you'll wear, the cunning 'do that'll amplify your thinning locks... the limousine that must transport you and where to get sufficient flower petals that will rain down upon you in an entrance worthy of Norma Desmond. My unerring advice: within the parameters of your budget, do not stint. The objective is to augment your reputation and acknowledge a lifetime of often unknown services, without bankrupting you.

But in one thing you must be truly lavish: the way you look, acknowledge -- and in due course personally thank -- all your guests. And here the ascending music of "Conquest", fit for any sovereign, must be played... for when you hear it, you will be at last what you have for a lifetime desired to be: the apple of every eye, at last "the fairest of them all."

From the moment your chariot arrives (though it may only be a beat-up VW) wave, smile and wave again, the very personification of joy and largesse to all, a monarch indeed, if only for the passing hour. Oh, yes, one more thing: the toast to you. Write it yourself, for only you know what it should say and which of your many merits should be acclaimed. How I shall enjoy saying these things about you knowing how well you deserve them...

About the Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Services include home business training, affiliate marketing training, earn-at-home programs, traffic tools, advertising, webcasting, hosting, design, WordPress Blogs and more. Find our why Worldprofit is considered the # 1 online Home Business Training program. Republished with author's permission by Ruthsella Corasol

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Tired Of Waking Up At 7AM For Work?

Are you getting sick of sitting in your car for an hour on the way to your stuffy office? Sick and tired of dealing with a boss that doesn't appreciate you, or treat you for what you're worth? If you're ever thought about leaving your job to create a scalable and enjoyable online income, now is the best time by far to do it. With so many online tools out there that can create a simple income for you online, and present you with lucrative benefits, it's no wonder that more and more people are giving up the 9-5 in order to master the world of online affiliate marketing.

Not sure about affiliate marketing? Don't worry; every great affiliate marketer started in just the same spot as you. When you're growing frustrated in your current career, there's nothing wiser than picking a new choice that allows you the freedom to work from home and truly master your own income. Instead of earning money for someone else and only ever receiving a small slice of the pie, you can utilise the wide array of affiliate marketing programs to create an income that flies directly into your bank account, free of the grabbing hands of corporate accountants.

One of the most popular tools for creating an online affiliate marketing career is Clickbank. A massive online marketplace, Clickbank serves up thousands of different products, all of which are available for affiliate marketers to earn sweet commissions on. With products in hundreds of different categories, there's no doubt that you'll find a massive amount of products that both align with your passions and your commercial interests.

Want to get started right away? If you've got absolutely no experience working online, don't think that you're not right for this lifestyle. With just a small amount of online education, you can turn yourself from a frustrated office worker into someone that's creating a massive online income. This free report is packed with information designed to teach beginners the fundamentals of Clickbank usage, and help intermediate and advanced users master their online affiliate income.

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Ready to start? It's truly as simple as finding something to sell, and absolutely dominating that niche market. Even if you're an absolute beginner, you can teach yourself the skills and abilities required to absolutely dominate the online market, and create a massive income for yourself at the same time. This free report really is the best place to start, and regardless of your current level of Clickbank proficiency, you'll learn something new and valuable from it.

Click Here To Download Your Free Clickbank Starter Kit

When People and Technology Connect for a Greater Good.

By Sandi Hunter

Recently at a dear friend's funeral, I heard someone remark that she would live on in our hearts and on her FaceBook page. For some of us there that day, the fact that Isabella still had a FaceBook page including recent posts made it seem she was still here among the living. Later that day I reflected on how much technology and the Internet has changed our lives in such a short time with so much more to come than most of us can imagine.

Facebook, Twitter and other social media connect us in ways we never could before. Through these sites we know more of people than we ever knew before. What they are doing, where they are, personal details, photos and more are all posted online. People are willing to share personal details that you may have never known or they would never have told you. Computers once thought to be a past-time only for geeks and the socially awkward have become through the Internet, a powerful way to connect people around the world and as we are seeing more and more, a way to change the world.

But there is more, so very more to the benefits this technology offers each of us that extends beyond connecting with people via Facebook and Twitter.

Mobile applications now allow people to do their favorite online activities from the convenience of their phone or iPad. While standing in a long line at the grocery store, I noticed 4 out of 10 people tapping away madly on their phones. I snuck a covert look at a couple of them to see they were on Twitter, Facebook, checking email, reading news feeds or firing off a text message. Spend anytime in an airport lounge and the majority of people have phones out and are pre-occupied with something far more interesting then the buzz of the airport around them. Technology is integrated INTO our daily lives - no longer so separated.

At any given time thanks to our phones and the Internet we are all connected in a very personal way. Even when we are not in physical contact with our friends and loved ones, we feel that we are still close. No longer chained to our home computer, we can carry on our business, our hobbies and our relationships conveniently from our smart phones.

Five years ago when my company, Worldprofit released the Live Business Center it was brand new interactive technology. We were able to stream LIVE video to our website audience. When visitors landed on our site, they were startled to have someone on screen say hello to them. People were shocked and confused! They couldn't understand at first who was talking to them and how they were doing it. Today, years later people are more comfortable with interacting with their computers and phones. FaceTime on the IPhone for example has made it wonderfully easy to connect LIVE face to face with their family and colleagues. Webinars once unknown are common now. Web-based conferences and meetings are convenient for the consumer, a money-saver for corporations and happily a good thing for the environment with fewer people traveling to meetings.

Today, Worldprofit offers a personalized version of the Live Business Center that our Members can use and add to their own site. The technology allows them to greet their site visitors, answer their questions, provide customer service, make offers, and close sales, In short , they can connect with prospective customers in real time. Massive unemployment and world turmoil has meant that the number of home based businesses and entrepreneurs has skyrocketed. The Internet has allowed a person working from home incredible freedoms and opportunity to make money by selling products, promoting affiliate marketing programs, blogging, offering web-based services and more.

As the world has now surpassed 7 BILLION people, I can't help but think how we may be bigger but through the Internet the world feels smaller and closer. Technology has made all of our lives better. When like-minded people unite, good - even great ideas emerge. Perhaps technology will be what moves us closer to solving problems, finding cures for diseases.

Technology powered by PEOPLE is changing our world - for the better - just look at these stories and start to imagine what is yet to come!

In September of this year, a group of video game players solved a molecular puzzle that has stumped scientists for years. The gamers accomplished this by using a collaborative online game called "Foldit". Foldit is a computer game that enables players to contribute to important scientific research. The area of focus is proteins and how they fold. Proteins are found in all living things and involved in diseases such as cancer, AIDS and Alzheimer's. According to the people at Foldit, "We're collecting data to find out if humans' pattern-recognition and puzzle-solving abilities make them more efficient than existing computer programs at pattern-folding tasks. If this turns out to be true, we can then teach human strategies to computers and fold proteins faster than ever!" More than 236,000 players have registered for the game, that's a lot of collective brain power to solve problems and a huge and growing body of knowledge from which to draw. What this means is that the door has been opened to discovering "crowd-sourced" solutions to age-old problems including AIDS and other diseases that have plagued mankind.

Take the case of the New York Times where readers were invited to solve an actual real-life medical mystery. The basic facts of an illness were made available and readers were asked to diagnose the problem. 300 readers responded, and within the first 30 minutes of posting, a correct diagnosis was made and many more correct answers came in thereafter. Think of the implications for pooled knowledge? A hive of brains working together to solve problems from all corners of the globe.

Finally, what happens when great technological minds meet for their own individual purposes but the side-effect of that collaboration being a benefit for all of humanity. Google's Peter Novig and Microsoft's Eric Horvitz recently met to discuss artificial intelligence. These two companies may be fierce business competitors but they both recognize the importance of artificial intelligence to the future of technology. Both of these creative minds spoke publicly about how machine-learning techniques have advanced by taking in large volumes of data and figuring out how to translate text or transcribe speech. As users of the new IPhone 4G already know, SIRI, the Voice activated assistant is here now but is only the beginning. Data, mass amounts of data is information. Knowledge is power.

The future is so very exciting! Imagine how every human being on the planet will benefit as new technology emerges that can extract specific data for problem resolution for everything from preventing traffic jams, to precise medical diagnosis, to eliminating oil spills, to research and space travel. There are no limits.

Facebook was really an accidental early social experiment. What we are learning now is that social media and other massed pooled data may be instrumental in social adaptation and actual survival. About the Author

Sandi Hunter is the Director of Website Development at Worldprofit Inc. Worldprofit provides a number of services for the small and home-based business community including hosting, design, webconferencing, traffic, advertising, SEO, safelists, traffic exchanges, training and resources. This year Worldprofit enters their 18th year in business. Republished with author's permission by Ruthsella Corasol

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Not in the mood for Thanksgiving? Then be grateful for what you don't have!

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

Author's program note. Rarely if ever have I seen my fellow countrymen so riled up... irritable, angry, rude epithets at the ready, bad behaviors endemic. What's going on? Try these for openers...

A rotten economic situation that just won't get better... and you're afraid it never will. And so you worry (for the umpteenth time) about just how secure your job is. Is there some guy in Mumbai who'll be glad to do it at half what you get? You've raised the subject with your boss... but his answer was not reassuring and now he won't look you in the eye.

A president whose leadership style gives us no leadership... and nary a Republican presidential candidate who doesn't cause multitudes to hold their noses, gagging, and wonder why our mind boggling lengthy and expensive campaign produces candidates we can't stand or respect, much less admire.

Sickening scandals like the one still unfolding at Penn State, scandals that make us wake up in the middle of the night shouting, "What the...... is going on around here?". Sometimes we wonder, and not just once either, whether anyone is honest, decent, and unarmed anymore... or whether it's only suckers (you being one) who play by the rules.

Every day we pick up the newspaper and read about another murder in the neighborhood, our neighborhood. Are our neighbors only "good" because we don't know their secret lives and the home truths that haven't yet been disclosed?

We read about some drug bust at the school down the street... and are horrified to see the police photo and recognize our kid's favorite teacher. We run upstairs and check the closet and dresser drawer to see if this has touched us even closer. You're fortunate today... nothing out of order... but the word "yet" comes immediately to mind... since these days you expect something bad to happen any time now and aren't particularly surprised when it does.

We read about... and are as concerned as our busy lives will allow... another species declared extinct... another Web sex scandal... another political official with a skill for theft and plausible denial. You feel sure he'll get off easy when his time in court comes up. Is that what the bandage over the eyes of the statue of Justice is supposed to mean?

You're concerned about America's unending wars in countries whose names you cannot pronounce, much less find on a map, but which you are paying for. You've got a friend whose young cousin, proud and handsome in his Marine Corps uniform, was killed by a sniper... a boy just 20 years old.

The thought haunts you all day... You want to believe such early death helps the country in question, America, the world... but you don't. You see that boy's eyes and feel them boring into you, asking one question over and over -- "Why?"... and you just can't give a good answer. You feel increasingly helpless as the barrage of bad news, miseries, muddles, mayhem just won't quit. You want time off from it all... but these realities, details delivered to us faster than ever compliments of the Web, constitute the unceasing rhythm of our lives.

And this is only the tip of the iceberg.

We wonder if, after a lifetime of contributing, Social Security will be there when we need it... and whether Medicare will provide the level of service we'll need. A gal from our office had that acute breathing problem and was put on a respirator; the hospital didn't want to pay for it... and the matter now resides in their legal department. We want care... we get lawyers. It makes us very, very nervous.... and sad.

We wonder how some shady Greek and Italian politicians can have so much influence on our lives so far away. What kind of magic powers have they got that force us (however superficially) to pay attention to what they're doing... and doing... and doing, all of which threatens the stability and satisfaction of our lives? You want to say it's "unfair"... but you know no one cares what you think about the matter... and you don't want people to think you're a wimp. So you stay quiet and unsatisfied... it's just the way things are. And so the days pass...

... until the calendar tells you it's Thanksgiving, the official day, sanctioned by custom and dictated by law, you get together with family and friends to eat too much and give thanks for your ability to do so. But this year, you just don't feel like it, though you wouldn't mind a piece or two of pumpkin pie. What's a body to do?

I'll share something that works for me... don't waste your time enumerating all the good things you've got, especially when you realize most of them are flawed and superficial. Instead, focus on the myriad of problems, inconveniences, woeful situations and debilitating malevolence you don't have... bullets you have dodged for another year. This will make you feel really thankful about things that really matter. Here's how it works...

Preparation and The List

This year I attend my 64th Thanksgiving, so I consider myself a man with some experience in the matter. Put this experience to work by putting aside the usual falderals... don't just hold hands and ask little Janie to say the blessing. Janie is probably too young to have much insight into the event... and will be unable to perform her helping role to perfection. Thus the end result will be unutterably banal, like all the years before.

Instead, seize this bull by the horns and brainstorm a long list of things you are thankful you don't have to do, think about, or consider in any way. Be brutally frank.

Item: your boss got fired because of that restroom peccadillo, and you never have to see him again. That was huge!

Item: your estranged cousin Herbie, bete noir of many years, has gone missing, no one knows where. If he never returns, that would be too soon.

Item: Your darling daughter didn't marry the wild idealist who always played the zither and never bathed. Delicious.

Item: your neighbor's noisome pooch Mickey, gifted with a piecing yelp and high decibel duration, ran away in pursuit of amorous freedom. He will of course be missed by someone... but not by you.

Keep going! Don't stint! As you get into the task, you see that the things you don't have, that you were afraid you would have and forever are the very things you always needed to make this holiday sing.

Now type your list. You will never remember them all and since each adds its mite to the happy event, do not rely on memory. Practice, too, reciting them. Read slowly.... with deliberate cadence and gravitas in your voice.

Having recited this list you will feel, perhaps for the first time in months, truly happy for you have discovered for yourself and shown the world the ample bounty of happiness at your fingertips, Thanksgiving now and forever your favorite holiday.

** Your response to this article is requested. What do you think?
Let us know by posting your comments below.

About the Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Now in it's 18th year, Worldprofit's Home Business Bootcamp has earned popular status as the #1 Earn-At-Home Training program. Republished with author's permission by Ruthsella Corasol

Monday, November 21, 2011

My most memorable Thanksgiving... and oh the memories!

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

Author's program note. Quick can you name your favorite Thanksgiving song? Unless it's "Over the river and through the woods" (1844), you probably don't have one. But I do. It's called "Turkey in the straw", and it is a traditional American folk song from the 1820s. And though strictly speaking it was not written for Thanksgiving, you'll have to forego its strict history in favor of the elastic meaning I shall give the tune and its use. I am sure, in due time, you will forgive me. In any event, start by going to any search engine, find the tune, and put on your dancing shoes... because this Thanksgiving you'll be dancing, not just filling out your embonpoint, and belching.

What my family usually did for Thanksgiving... celebrated, sanctified, dull.

I was brought up in an Illinois family which, like all our neighbors, believed in the verities of God, country, and family. These were the bedrocks on which we built our homes, our communities and our nation. And these three essential parts of American life came sharply together at Thanksgiving, an event which had to be arranged and celebrated in the grand manner... best china, best crystal, best silver and food that was quite simply awesome, no stinting contemplated, allowed, or accepted. We were Americans, part of the great heartland of the nation, and if we didn't have much to be thankful for, then who did?

Still, this holiday (and Christmas, too) always raised the issue of where to celebrate, for we were part of large extended families with matriarchs in various branches who made it clear their feelings would be hurt if we didn't grace their Thanksgiving Day tables, though why they wanted my sister with her tendency to scream while eating (admittedly she was only in pre-school) and my brother (but that is another story), I as eldest son and eldest grandson (on both sides) could never understand. I knew why they wanted me... "let me count the ways...."

The solution to this problem of venue was solved in most years by the simple expedient of appearing at two (or even more) holiday tables groaning under the weight of families who had done well... and stuffing ourselves to sickness accordingly. It is no wonder they felt queasy by day's end. Personally I always saved room (if at all possible) for the desserts... for here amidst so many culinary achievements... was sweet perfection in so many alluring ways. Pies of every kind (pumpkin de rigueur of course), cobblers, cookies with holiday themes... strudel (we were of Germanic stock and proud)... and the cakes... but enough. Suffice it to say there was no thought of mere sufficiency. It was all about excess... in so many ways so that no one could ever say anything else, or even suggest it.

Time -- and holiday arrangements -- marches on.

Sadly, over time things changed and my father and mother were significant reasons why the multi-mealed Thanksgiving came to an end. Specifically, we moved from Illinois when I was just 16 to California, where family (as Charles Manson and hippies from Haight-Ashbury proved) had an altogether different meaning. And so, unless my father decided (and my mother concurred), for father's sister and his wife did not love each other, unless, that is, we were going to our Carter cousins' ranch in Bakersfield, we stayed home... and invited people we liked, who were never related. In short, we went from the traditional Thanksgiving of too much of this, too much of that, people we "had" to like because we were related, to Thanksgivings we invented... and, as we discovered later when sociologists explored American migrations, most other people were doing the same thing. And that's why my mother, Shirley de Lauing Lant Phelps de Barlais y de Kesoun, and I were in the port of San Pedro, California en route to Baja California for Thanksgiving, 1985.

Fourth book, second Thanksgiving out of America.

I have always been of an industrious nature and my breakneck pace through 1985 made clear that I was a man on a mission, going places, meeting people. I had my fourth book underway, a publishing company to oversee, an international consulting business, a multitude of lectures nationwide, and a nationally syndicated program on the Business Radio Network. Managing time was of the essence.. and this precluded vacations and other ways of wasting time, including voyaging to a part of the world in which I had absolutely no interest. But, then, my mother did... and she was a very formidable woman. She named the destination, I ponied up for the tickets, and so we boarded one of the floating restaurants and bars they call cruise ships, where eating and lassitude are the order of the day, every day.

We were booked as Dr. and Mrs. Lant, which while absolutely accurate was also the seed for a memorable (and oh so wrong) deduction... because, you see, on this ship, as on all such vessels, the ladies of a certain age always out number the gents... and so the hopefulness which always accompanies these ladies on board always quickly wilts.

My mother was a stylish and youthful looking woman and made a point of so appearing, to best advantage. I was, as usual, slovenly, a demolisher of clothes, even those from the best shops in Boston and England. Still, as Agatha Christie once observed, old clothes properly cut are always suitable attire for a gentleman. My mother strenuously disagreed, but here her jeremiads fell on deaf ears. memorable evening, a woman of the purple-haired ilk sidled up to POM (Poor Old Mother) and asked how long we'd been married... and how she'd managed it; (no doubt wanting instructions on how to secure as willing mate one as young, winsome, and obviously God-favored as I.) Freud must have had a conniption.

And that was just the beginning of the memorable holiday voyage.

My mother and I worked as a team; she was admiral, I cadet. The moment after we arrived on board, she took a page of her cream colored stationary as Baroness de Barlais y de Kesoun, gold coronet ablaze at the top, and sent a charming message (of which she was past mistress) to the Captain, advising him a celebrated author was on board whom she'd like to present. That "celebrated author" would have been me. That note she delivered post haste to the purser along with a First Edition of my book "Our Harvard," suitably autographed by that self-same author. She always traveled with a few copies...

The next day I sat in a deck chair, enveloped in a plaid blanket, hands chilled, writing the current book, "The Unabashed Self-Promoter's Guide: What every man, woman, child and organization in America needs to know about getting ahead by exploiting the media." For all that I had to be thawed out each evening, I was making lickety-split progress... and could still dance attendance on Her Ladyship, my mother. It was a model that worked...

The Captain requests...

In due course, of course, the Captain responded... not just with an invitation to the table at dinner where he held court but to cocktails in his luxurious private quarters. We dressed accordingly; (my Harvard blazer was wrinkled but its insignia buttons were solid gold.) When we discovered he was Greek, we should have recalled the old maxim "Beware of Greeks bearing gifts..."

He was a man of charm, information, and what we Midwesterners call schmaltz. As such he was very good company, paying every courtesy to the Double B (as we termed the double Baroness, in her own right, too). But there was something not quite right... which became instantly apparent when, in paying my mother an exaggerated farewell he tickled the inside of my hand, in a manner which could not possibly have been misconstrued. I meant to tell her... she would have roared with laugher and indignation. Which brings us to our unique Thanksgiving on the high seas.

On board, one ate and participated in activities which could never quite obscure their purpose: to let air out of bloated stomachs. One of these activities was the time-honored "talent show" which would have been anything but... except for POM. She had an idea to sweep the boards... she always did... and with her vision, energy, imagination and unparalleled ability to shame people into doing things, she generally succeeded. "The First Thanksgiving".

POM dragooned one passenger after another into taking part in what was certain to be the winning entry: a sure-to-please musical rendition of the first Thanksgiving, with dialog by me and direction by... but you can guess who. Despite frequent (ever escalating) reminders that the script needed to be written, yours truly did not write the script; instead falling victim to Demon Rum... and so when POM came to get me for dress rehearsal (a bare hour before the opening curtain) she found her boy drunk as the lord he was. No script. No excuse. No hope.

But still the show went on, though I had to ad-lib every word, including musical cues to the band, which gamely played our game. Pilgrims said the silly things they would say... Indians (face-paint perfect) acted aboriginal... and "Turkey in the straw" rang out frequently as passenger Pilgrims and Indians ran about the stage capturing passenger turkeys. Then le tout ensemble sang "God Bless America". Of course we were cheered to the echo, and I got the kind of hugs and kudos I expected... and she had deserved.

My Thanksgiving this year will be dull indeed without her... for she is making friends and raising cane in a better place, where she will know, for certain, I would write this article and remember....

***** What are your favourite Thanksgiving memories? Let us know by posting your comments below.

About the Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Jeffrey Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books.
Republished with author's permission by Ruthsella Corasol

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Don't make the crucial customer disservice error Hale Groves is making. Pay attention! This article can save you thousands and a lot of customers, too.

By Dr. Jeffrey Lant

Author's program note. Have you heard of a citrus company called Hale Groves of Vero Beach, Florida? If not, you must be living in a cave. Their marketing is everywhere and in all places, online and off. They're spending the ransoms of two or three kings on it.

But the poobahs who run the place have made at least one crucial mistake: they haven't tried to order their product.... and as I am here to tell you, the order takers they've got are most assuredly NOT in sync with the hot-shots in the marketing department. In other words, if it is not actually impossible to order some of their tasty product, it is very close to it.

That's why I'm using as today's incidental music The Supreme's great tune "You keep me hanging on" because that's what the folks at Hale Groves have done to me... each and every time I've ordered. You'll find this1966 hit in any search engine. You can play it while you're on hold...

Still, let's get into the right mood for this situation... and what Hale Groves and every other dysfunctional marketing machine needs to do before they irritate too many more of the most important people on earth -- good paying customers like me!

The facts.

My family has been buying from Hale Groves for decades... and no wonder. I grew up in the snow belt they call Illinois... I went to college in the snow belt they call Massachusetts... and when I graduated... having had insufficient punishment from snow, sleet, ice and attendant miseries, I stayed on in the very same snow belt that snuffed the Pilgrims.

One of the things that made it all bearable was Hale Groves and the utterly delectable citrus... and, of course, I love getting the free citrus spoons, too. I have a drawer full of them.

The Hale Groves shuffle.

I like to place my citrus orders, indeed all orders, by telephone. Like a good citizen, I have my credit card out... and the special offer I want; the offer I am sure the order taker will want to make sure I get. Like most Americans I order when deals are good and pass when deals are not. But the great thing about Hale Groves is that they always have an offer... and I am always pleased to consider it. I am a citrus freak.... and pink grapefruit are guaranteed to brighten any day or palate, especially when the temperature is below zero and I curse the day I heard of Harvard and a frigid place named Cambridge.

Order I would, if order I could.

The citrus season begins November 1, and you can bet your bottom dollar that Hale Groves will have a special offer in your hand, an offer so good you wouldn't think of missing it. I want to see that offer... I want to take advantage of that offer IF Hale Groves will let me... for that is by no means a sure thing.

Because memory is imperfect, as I dial the number I find my last run-in with them is not the first thing in mind; instead I am tasting in my imagination their citrus perfection... but first I must pay my dues by holding. It is a rule.

Like all good Americans I hate holding.... not just hate it but despise and disdain it. I'd like a choice... hold forever or allow them to call me back in (so many minutes); techies can easily tell them how many: "Your call will be returned in 7.5 minutes sharp."

Okay, I'm on hold... and second by second I am working up a good head of steam, the better to craft a snide comment that they well and truly deserve. I mean, I don't begin to have the available time I have to wait for a competent order taker to emerge and assist me. Who does?

But my torments have not even begun...

Codes. Colors. Confusion. Choler.

"I'd like to place an order from a mailing I just received." These are the words I am hoping I don't soon regret.

"Do you have the offer there in front of you?"

I do... and I say so proudly, even defiantly because I am hopeful history is not about to repeat itself.

But we are, the order taker and I, about to enter the twilight zone in which the order I want to place... is the order the order taker cannot seem to take. And so The Rigmarole of ordering from Hale Groves well and truly begins, to the growing irritation of both parties.

"Sir, please give me the special order code."

Code, code, find the code.

I have an envelope full of Hale Groves propaganda... colorful brochures... a special letter from their president extolling their many virtues... I do not see and cannot find a code... and what's worse the order taker cannot direct me by uttering such reassuring words as "you'll find the code in big red letters at the top of page 1." Such essential words, calming to both parties, neither of us can find... and this is what that means.

It means some bright folks in the marketing department have not tried to order the product themselves... and have certainly never bothered to train the hapless order takers who are about to feel the sharp lash of my tongue because no one knows who's on first and where to find that flippin' code.

And so we sink into muddle, mayhem, a disordered morass. If this were a dance it would be a tango... and that for an order process is completely unacceptable.

Finally, I say what I should have said at the first sign of trouble. "Why don't you take down my telephone number and call me when you've discovered where the code is?' But my tenacious order taker won't let go, won't do the sensible thing and will not proceed with the matter of doing what we both want: placing the order. In other words getting that code, no matter that neither she nor I could find it, had become more important than satisfying the customer. And that's why this order "process" is such a mess.

But it got even worse...

The order taker, unable to direct me to the code, put me on extended hold while she quizzed her colleagues about the location of that code. No one knew, which meant no one had thought it useful to instruct them on this matter... and so while I smoldered they, with every passing minute, proved that the one hand in marketing didn't know and hadn't bothered to advise the other in the order department, thereby generating bad feelings instead of the satisfied customer both parties wanted.

Again, I advised the clueless order taker to take my number and call me back when she was organized and ready. But the poor woman had been instructed, perhaps with severity, to get the code upon pain of death. And she could not, would not get beyond this trifling matter... and so the matter ended in stand-off, no order, no business, and no future.

Hale Groves will now bombard me for years with sales messages and tempting offers, too, too little, too late. For I have now discovered an excellent product from Del Monte, Red Grapefruit, SunFresh. No hassle. No waiting. Already peeled. And no need to deal with the misnamed order takers at Hale who, when needed, could not have been less ready. Which is why I suggest you try to order what you sell. It could well be your weakest link. Oh, yes, and call me to finish my order.

*** Your response to this article is requested. What do you think? Let us know by posting your comments below.

About the Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Republished with author's permission by Ruthsella Corasol

Friday, November 18, 2011

Want to make money online? Here's 10 Proven Ways!

In tough and uncertain economic times, people are taking charge of their economic future and turning to the Internet to earn money. The Internet is filled with legitimate ways to earn from home if you know what to look for. This article provides realistic advise on how to earn from reputable online sources and run your own profitable home-based business successfully.

Let's get started. Here's what you need to know to make money online consistently and legitimately.

1. Do set yourself up with an online place of business - get a domain address. For $10 or so per year, it's worth it to book your own domain name. It makes you look more reputable, permanent and more accountable. Separate yourself from the sketchy programs out there by having your own domain name. Your website with a domain name is your place where you do your business and the location for all your programs, products, services or resume. If you have other websites from various affiliate programs you are involved, that's fine, you can add the links to those programs on your domain based website.

2. Do book a website hosting account with a reliable hosting company. It doesn't matter if you use WordPress to create your site, or a Content Management System provided by your host, but DO get an account that gives you 100% control over your site to add content, pages, widgets, images, video, search engine optimization, stats tracking, sub-domains etc. The days of a 3 or 4 page bland static website are long gone. Today, website owners can (and should) add tools, gadgets, blogs and other resources on their site to make it more customer friendly, search engine friendly, and social media friendly. Effective sites engage the visitor with live chat options, video, member areas, commenting and more. If your hosting provider doesn't include site analysis and traffic tools, Google offers a free program that is very helpful for tracking important data related to your site traffic. It's called Google Analytics. Website hosting will be in range of $10 - $50 per month.

Now let's look at proven successful revenue sources.

3. When it comes to earning from online sources here are some proven successful ways to making money online:

a) Affiliate Marketing: Affiliate marketing means that you sign up with a company as an Affiliate, refer business to those companies and you collect a commission for sales. You will be amazed at the growing number of large brick and mortar companies that offer affiliate programs. You've likely heard of Amazon but what about the Affiliate programs offered by WalMart, Pay-Less Shoes, Orbitz, Old Navy, G.I. Joes, ABT Electronics and American Express to name just a few. How each company pays commission and how much varies but with a high traffic website and precision marketing you can generate tidy income from affiliate marketing sources. Don't be afraid to look outside of recognizable retailers for good Affiliate Marketing ideas. for example, allows you to promote thousands of digital products. Vendors post their digital product to ClickBank, you promote it, when a sale is made you collect a commission. ClickBank handles payments and refunds so your only job is to pick the products you want to sell, promote, and collect commission. Pick a number of solid reputable affiliate marketing programs, but only a few so you can focus on those and only those to see success. I have to include a shameless plug here for my own company, Worldprofit includes in our Earn-At-Home Program a number of Affiliate Marketing products, reseller opportunities as well as a comprehensive sales and marketing training program. As the economy has fumbled, affiliate marketing and work at home programs such as what we offer at Worldprofit have exploded.

b) Blogging: Don't stop at Affiliate Marketing, money can be made from popular blogging sites by adding in advertising revenue from sources like Google Ad Sense, this is called Monetizing. Food bloggers, celebrity gossip bloggers, expert columnists and many more are generating sweet advertising revenue by including ads on their high traffic blogs. The ads are generated from an Advertising program such as that offered by Google and many others. They key to this revenue source is high and ongoing traffic. You will also need really unique frequently posted niche content to generate a following and get steady traffic.

c) Sale of Products: Of course you have seller options such as E-Bay for selling products either new or used. E-Bay is not a new idea for making money online but it is a source that many people have been relying on for years. Wholesale items, overstock products, collectors novelties, bankruptcy sale items, fire sale items, garage sale items - even houses - are just a few examples of what people are selling on E-Bay. Those who are reliable sellers earn status as trusted sellers and can earn significant money selling products.

d) Site Flipping: Flippa is a website that through an auction process, allows you to buy or sell complete niche websites, many with an existing customer base and verifiable traffic. If you are clever and have built up a successful online property you an sell it on Flippa. It's a similar concept as buying a home, fixing it up and selling it. In this case though you create a site for a nice market, monetize it, grow traffic, a prospect list and a customer database, then simply sell the site. For someone who doesn't have the interest in creating a site and all the work of building traffic and customers, a ready-made website can be purchased. Take a click over to to see new for sale listings, active listings, browse, price range, sold sites and more.

e) Freelancing: If you have a specialized skill or knowledge, have a look at freelancing sites such as Over 1/2 a million jobs are posted every year on Elance. This is a site where you can post your unique skills. Both companies and freelancers (called contractors) can post their jobs/skills. It's unique in that you can access specific jobs including work for programmers, writers, designers, consultants and so forth. There are so many options, take some time to review these mentioned and keep an open-mind about what is available. Other sites offering a similar service include and By posting your profile to these sites and taking on contact work you can earn considerable income.

f) Not everyone is destined for instant success like Justin Beiber after simply posting a video to YouTube. There IS money to be made with YouTube, that fact is a certainty. YouTube's partner program allows you to post videos and earn revenue as your audience grows. Remember the scared baby video? What about the talking dog videos? Those videos and lots more are generating a steady source of income for someone due to the popularity of those videos. Initially the income can be very small, but if your video becomes hugely popular your commission checks will grow at the same time. Get good at it, get a following and then release videos to keep that source of income growing. Visit YouTube's Partner section of their website to read success stories and how the program works.

g) Multiple Streams of Income. Here'a final thought on earning from online sources. Multiple streams of income is the key to consistent revenue, pick a few programs or options and focus on those to EARN something before you move on to the next. Make sure you are not spread to thin and can devote adequate time to building those sources of revenue. You need to have the time, commitment and an advertising budget to promote on a consistent basis.

4. Realize you must work your business every day to expect to see results. Don't expect overnight success, or even success after a few weeks. If you are in this for a hobby fine, but if you want to build an online business with a steady source of full time income realize that it will take time. It's a slow build and a lot of work.

5. Understand that CONSISTENT marketing and promotion is critical to your success. Ever notice that Coke is always advertising? Coke is continually in your face reminding you they are there. They sponsor events, they run TV ads, Super Bowl commercials and taste-test booths. The reason is simple. Every business, big and small must constantly promote their product or service. Your online business is no different. Promotion is a daily task. How much you earn is directly related to how much time and effort you invest in marketing your product. Learn about the power of social media including FaceBook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Digg, YouTube, and so many more. If you don't have a blog get one, and post unique content daily with rich key words related to your products/services/business and include integrated links to social media for maximum exposure.

6. Factor in that you will have to allocate and spend some of your hard earned money on advertising. Any successful business requires that you put money back into it. If you think you will build your earnings relying exclusively on free methods of advertising you will be disappointed. Yes, you can promote your business using free sites, and free services, but accompany that with actual paid ads at reputable sites. Don't limit yourself to the major search engines like Google and their Ad Words program. Also consider Safelist Advertising and Traffic Exchanges. Safelist advertising once spurned as the poor man's advertising vehicle has gained popularity and is free to get started with very low cost advertising options. Traffic exchanges work in a similar way and are worth consideration. For best results in either Safelists or Traffic Exchanges be prepared to pay for ads to see the best results. If you are on a tight budget combine both free and paid methods of advertising, and make sure you have an Ad Tracker software program so you know which ads are generating clicks and from which source.

7. Set goals. Are you going to make $100 today? $500 this week? How much? Once you have set your goals, set your plans for how you will accomplish this. What are the daily, weekly, monthly tasks you will do to make your financial goals a reality? Don't allow your self to get distracted or pulled down with tasks that don't get you closer to where you want to be. If your day ends with no commission report or sales report that says you earned SOMETHING today, rethink your plan for tomorrow. Get up early and get busy.

8. Have a positive attitude, I can't stress this enough. Put a smile on your face, believe, then do. In my work as a trainer and consultant, I talk to people everyday who have had mixed success in building an online business. The people I have watched grow and build their own successful business are those who think positive and take action. Don't be brought down by negative people, the know it alls, the ones that rain on your parade. Be mindful that while they are talking you down, you are doing something to improve your financial situation. Let that negativity slide off your back and propel you forward to work harder, and smarter.

9. Accept that you will have failure. Get over it. Learn from your mistakes. Move on. If it was easy to build a successful online business everyone would be making millions.

10. Find a mentor or training program that fits for you. The web is filled with software, e-books, training programs, webinars and more. You have all of this information at your fingertips. Find the best sources and get started. Don't make the mistake of learning, study, analyzing but never actually DOING anything. You won't find success thinking about it, success is the results of DOING something to make it happen.

**** What are your thoughts on online money making programs? Submit your comments below.

About the Author

Sandi Hunter is the Director of Website Development at Worldprofit. Worldprofit provides training, support, software, hosting, blog content, traffic, and site design for small and home based business. Now in it's 18 year, Worldprofit's Home Business Bootcamp has earned status as the #1 Earn-At-Home Training program. Republished with author's permission by Ruthsella Corasol

Thursday, November 17, 2011

'Fight for her honor'. The fall of JoePa, the humiliation of Penn State.

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

Author's program note. Today is Saturday, November 12, 2011. And Americans with well-worn pennants and blissful memories of picture perfect days like this when they were young and gleeful will today gather at gridirons around the nation... there to participate in the great rite of football. If they are lucky, alma mater will have a fight song as great as the one that ignites the crowd at Penn State... which causes even the most ancient and arthritic to jump up... and remember. when they were young, boundless in their hopes and expectations; loyal to God, country, college, and... the team.

We all know that feeling and we just cannot get enough of it. Thus, to put yourself in the mood, go to any search engine and find that fight song -- "The Nittany Lion" -- one of the best -- then turn the sound up and play it... "But of all the honored idols. There's but one that stands the test. It's the stately Nittany Lion. The symbol of our best..."

Joe Paterno, the winningest coach in the history of the Great Republic.

Until just a few days ago when the shocking, sordid facts of the scandal broke upon a first disbelieving nation, Joe Paterno, head coach at fortunate Penn State, was moving towards the end of his career wafted by the incense of millions of people around the nation... who venerated the man, his vision, what he stood for, and not least of all the golden touch that turned Penn State from a mere college town, to a site of pilgrimage for the faithful. It was heady stuff, as close to perfection as mortals ever know. All that was needed to complete the scene was the explosion of affection at his last home game... and a trip to the White House to receive the nation's highest honor, the Medal of Freedom, from the hands of the President of the United States, an event eagerly promoted by Pennsylvania's two United States senators, star struck like all the rest. A great American story was about to be concluded to the satisfaction of all.

But as any student of classics could tell you, this isn't how Fate works... as JoePa knew, for he was an unlikely student of the Roman poet Virgil and the "Aeneid" he read often in the original Latin. JoePa knew Nemesis, the goddess of retributive justice. And it was Nemesis who came to preside over his final sickening days at Penn State... which he left as pariah, not patriarch. And so a dazzling 46-year career came to an end with breath taking speed, obloquy, disgust, contempt, anger... and sadness.

What had happened, what had gone so terribly wrong? Here are the facts:

On November 5, 2011, former Penn State defensive coordinator Jerry Sandusky was arrested on 40 counts relating to sexual abuse of eight young boys over a 15-year period, including alleged incidents that occurred at Penn State. A 2011 grand jury investigation reported that Mike McQueary, a graduate assistant, told Paterno in 2002 that he had seen Sandusky performing a sex act on a 10-year-old boy in Penn State's shower facilities. According to the report, Paterno notified Athletic Director Tim Curley the next day about the incident.

Here's where JoePa's storied career begins to unravel, for it is here that he decided to act for the good of his team, his "program", not the good of the victims and of the institution which hired him and provided every element for a supremely comfortable life.

Yes, this is the damning fact: Joseph Paterno knew... Joseph Paterno, fearful that his beloved program would be besmirched, decided to wink at the problem, hoping it would go away, rather than take the necessary action... which meant staying with it until it was well and truly solved.

JoePa had the responsibility to act... the need to act... the moral imperative to act... but he did next to nothing, thus showing clearly that here was a man who could prattle of leadership, of responsibility, of honor... but they were nothing but self-serving words... that when these traits were needed, JoePa had none of them.

And neither did anyone else at Penn State, where "honor" was a word in a rousing song... not the foundation for an institution of higher learning, humanity, and right.

The scandal is not that reprehensible acts were committed on the bodies of young boy who, all unknowing, maddened Sandusky and caused him to take terrible risks and do terrible deeds. That is not the scandal... that is a tragedy, frequent enough, a tragedy that everyone at Penn State, or wherever it occurs, can deal with, promptly and relatively easily IF the will and desire to deal with it be present.

The scandal is that Paterno, and the entire establishment at Penn State who knew the facts (and there were many such) chose not to act, thereby degrading themselves and their offices of honor, thereby giving the students, their charges, the worst possible example. And this lead to one of the most alarming incidents in the matter: the riot of Penn State students November 10 when they heard the news that Paterno had been removed by the Trustees of the university, they took to the street, not to remember and support the victims, but to support... JoePa. In short, they came down firmly, resolutely and violently on the wrong side, the side where there was no honor and no humanity. And these some of the brightest students in the land, the most privileged, the most likely to succeed. Their choice, their actions, their lack of vision were telling. How had a great institution fallen so low that its students could be so wrong in their selection?

Winning is not everything, and never was.

The cause of this great problem has been obvious for years to all who had eyes to see. The administrators of great educational institutions, the pride of a great nation, have allowed their progressive, humane principles to be insulted, demeaned, devalued. Once the greatest and most significant parts of these institutions, the liberal arts have been steadily slashed by the people who made JoePa a god, people who made winning, merely a thing, into everything, the thing that humbles all else.

But this is wrong and has always been wrong.

Teaching students to be good citizens is more valuable than winning games, no matter that they are won in profusion and record number.

Teaching students about the values and responsibilities of the well lived life is more important than wearing some token of a victory that they did nothing to help achieve.

Working to transform a distressed planet in a myriad of ways, this is far more important -- and necessary -- than supporting, in any way, a squad of those manifesting every kind of anti-social behavior.

And no one exceeded Paterno in finding such people and using them for his ends.

And so Paterno allowed Sandusky, despite his detailed knowledge of this man and his mayhem, to keep a college title, an office and easy access to his prey, despite his 1999 dismissal. It was, he thought, good for his "program," his team, his power and control. So, too, the fact that from 2002-2008 46 of his players were arrested and charged with 163 counts; 27 of t hem were eventually convicted or pleaded guilty to a combined 45 counts.

Through all this the Nittany Lion was diminished, its shibboleths hollow, in the hands of the unworthy, majestic no longer. Now, therefore, must Penn State, bolstered by courageous and energetic leaders seize this opportunity to restructure itself, to become in fact, not merely in name, a great institution of humane values. This is your moment, people of Penn State and all others similarly situated. Seize it. For you who have lost your soul and direction, must take this opportunity to find them. "Fight for her honor, Fight, and Victory again."

******Your response to this article is requested. What do you think? Let us know by posting your comments below.

About the Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Jeffrey Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books. Republished with author's permission by Ruthsella Corasol

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

An Open Letter to Dr. Rodney Erickson, the new president of Penn State, the most important college president in America.

By Dr. Jeffrey Lant

Author's program note. This is a letter long in the making. It is being written for and will be sent to the man in the arena; we hope a man of vision, fortitude, courage and honor, charged with bringing out of hubris and shame a great institution that lost its way and so aided, abetted, permitted and tolerated disgraceful acts which should never have been allowed, much less abided and eased.

The focus so far has been on the events themselves, their perpetration, extent, duration... on the people who did them... and the people who knew and permitted them. And this is natural. The facts must be known and laid before the community and the nation so that we are all clear on what happened.

But we must then proceed apace and with full determination to an analysis of those facts... why had these squalid events taken place and what do they mean? Why had so many of your students, each bright and privileged, come down so firmly on the side of abuse perpetrators instead of innocent victims? Why, too, and shocking, had so many administrators and trustees done the same, devaluing their high offices? All this, too, is important to discover and necessary.

However, all the fact finding in the world, all the erudite deductions, theories, suppositions, conjectures and accurate histories will be meaningless and futile if we do not vow change, revolutionary change, thorough, swift and sweeping. And that is why I am writing to you today, one student of the great Liberal Arts to another, both members of the Community of Educated Men and Women, charged with upholding its high and often inconvenient standards, for they are the best of us.

Now, before I go further, I wish to set the tone by recommending music you will know, a suite of promise, optimism, decency and good sense... set to a transcendent American sound, "Appalachian spring" by Aaron Copland (1944). This music, which speaks to and helps define the essence of a great nation, its great peoples, its great ideals, and the eternal verities on which we built this House, arises from the ancient soil of Pennsylvania, tamed by people of God, of vision, community, determination and insight into how man should live to best advantage. These notable peoples have felt shame amidst these abashing events... and part of your great charge is uplifting them... and rebuilding, reminding, rekindling and resurrecting.

Great wrongs perpetrated, great abuses allowed, great changes required.

What brought one of the nation's great institutions to fall under the control of men who scorned the core values of that institution; men who stood for victory above all regardless of cost when the humane values of the Academy are so very different? Why had these people with their twisted visions, debasing attitudes, and sneering behaviors been allowed to triumph until it was thought normal, acceptable and unexceptional to permit the abuse and violation of the most vulnerable so long as the power of the patriarch was not challenged and his henchmen, sordid and despicable, remained in place, to do his bidding and extend his control?

Many knew and privately deplored but collective silence was the order of the day and so the cancer spread....

Now it is your charge to eradicate this cancer and restore the body politic for its great work for there is everything at stake... and the need to move resolutely now. Here then are my recommendations for the great work at hand:

1) Vow to do whatever necessary so that the facts, all the facts, are brought forth as swiftly and completely as humanly possible. There can be no echo of the dark regime now overturned. It is your job to help pick up every rock and show the world what was allowed to flourish there.

2) Acknowledge, honor and assist the victims, all abused so very young, each of whom now requires the support of all. This scandal will end for your institution, but it will reverberate through the lives of every victim, until the very end. No one must ever forget this...

3) Never regard this problem as a problem of your institution alone, for it is a problem of many great institutions which transferred power to those least able to use it responsibly, everything, absolutely everything, tolerated so long as there was victory, for all that that victory was cheap and meretricious, debased and debilitating.

Your job, sir, is not only to resurrect Penn State... but more importantly to lead the movement to cleanse all the collegiate institutions that chose the dishonorable and sordid, supporting the false god and belief that victory justified every outrage.

There will be those who tell you that being a mere "interim" president you should do as little as possible to rock the boat. I tell you the reverse. You must lead... because you are there and there is much to do. For your crucial work, I offer this model: Dr. James Bryant Conant, a man you might know and must emulate.


Born in Dorchester, Massachusetts in 1893, he came to study chemistry at Harvard College, from which he received his B.A. (1914) and his Ph.D. (1917). Professor of physical and organic chemistry, he became President of Harvard in 1933. He intended to use the most bully pulpit in the nation... to change, improve, inspire, support. And he did it in the Grand Manner, changing Harvard from a provincial institution for the previously little challenged sons of socially acceptable families; men who knew little, did little, and contributed little. All this was unacceptable to Conant who believed in merit, discovering it, bolstering it, celebrating it. And other colleges, which might have lead, tardily followed. And so little colleges and backwater universities became the great institutions that fueled America's prosperity and the advancement of the world, part of the great legacy of one man of vision and determination.

Conant, hard-working, austere, a man who sought and met the great challenges, went on, as U.S. High Commissioner to Germany (1953-1957) and U.S. Ambassador to Germany (1955-1957), to rebuild our former enemy and make her our firm friend, the anchor for a Europe at peace since then.

And, then, he tackled the ramshackle structure that was American education, advancing one overdue reform after another... and again galvanizing a nation that only needed such vision and leadership to make the necessary changes.

Thus we come to you and your mission. Resolve to right the imbalance which brought so much mayhem and dishonor to your institution. As you do, move heaven and earth to convene a great commission to reshape collegiate athletics and stop the inequitable system where the health needs, instruction, and activities of so many are sacrificed to and because of the selfish insistence of a few, collegiate grid iron aristocracy whose time has surely gone. Our future leaders, your students, need health maintenance, not inertia, sloth, sedentary enthusiasms, and premature decay. We have sacrificed their health and well-being and this -- along with our priorities -- must be changed.

And one more thing, sir, when you are assailed by lesser folk who do not understand the need for changes, rethinking, reshaping and for great visions (and assailed by them you assuredly will be), remember this: you have adherents around the nation who support you in your strenuous efforts to return your institution and every institution to your glorious motto: "Success with Honor."

**** We invite your comments below.

About the Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses.
Jeffrey Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books. Republished with author's permission by Ruthsella Corasol

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Of scribblers. Our obsessions and our unending need for you.

By Dr. Jeffrey Lant

Author's program note. This is an article about writers, our idiosyncrasies and distinct peculiarities, our need for empathy...; for your ear... and, always, for your eye and deft delivered honesty.

I have been a published author now for nearly 60 years, and I know the labor pains that stop you in your tracks and force you to pay heed to the miracle of creation. It is often inconvenient, frustrating even humiliating, frequently maddening but, oh, on the days when all the myriad of necessary elements arise to bring forth just the right words, the moving words you live for, there is nothing more glorious... those are the days we "scribblers" live for...

... and this article is designed to help you get more... and more... of them.

The scribbling countess.

Countesses are thin on the ground in Midwestern America. In fact, I saw nary a single one in my formative years in Eisenhower's Illinois. But thanks to the wonder of books I knew everything a curious boy needs to know about such exotics... and therefore I was not abashed when Elizabeth, Countess of Longford, wife of the 7th Earl, received me at her London pied a terre.

I had written to her, internationally known author that she was, because I was then working on my first book, on the Court of Queen Victoria, and the staff at Windsor Castle had rather indiscretely disclosed Lady Longford had, whilst working on her best-selling biography of Queen Victoria, seen a particular box of the queen's papers I found so valuable (all unpublished) but had not opened the box, leaving it she later laughed, for me...

... charming of course... though the real reason was because she was at the end of her research and wanted no more documents... and besides was dressed to the nines for some evening soiree; the box was dirty, dusty, a distinct challenge for the lady's white gloves. And so historical fact gave way to the necessities of perfect presentation. I liked her at once... especially when she called her renowned family of writers, with skill and craft abundant in each succeeding generation, the "scribblers." I knew when she said it that I wanted to spend my life scribbling, too, in the grand tradition, of course... literate countesses with high-sounding names and smiles that promised wicked revelations always welcome...

Young people, enthusiastic teacher, late passerby.

What made me think of Lady Longford and all the other portions of this article was a scene caught out of the corner of my eye on election day, November 8, 2011. I was en route to my yearly eye examination, a necessity for every card-carrying diabetic who, like me, must closely calibrate the creep of age by the waning of visual clarity. Such visits are not negotiable, for you cannot negotiate with aging. My driver Mr. Joseph pulled into his usual spot in front of the Agassiz School on Sacramento Street in Cambridge, where I leapt out. I told him I needed just 6 minutes since there were no pressing issues amongst the sleepy electorate and therefore no turn-out.

But when one is as clear as I was about the time required, fate was duty-bound to trip me up... and so it did.

The school uses election days to hold cash-raising bake sales... and I had never stopped before to look. This day I did. An enthusiastic teacher was half minding the "shop' which had no other customers than me while telling the 15 students, all about 14, how to describe the tree pictured in a poster on the wall. He was teaching them to perceive... and to write not just what their eyes saw but what their imagination saw, a very different thing.

Having voted, I returned as I had never done, not to purchase (though I did) but to listen for an instant to their teacher, fully engaged with his important subject, and eliciting a barrage of the bright chatter that characterizes early adolescents hereabouts. (every one, parents would aver, Ivy material).. and in a minute, as I moved slowly up the stairs in a school landscape that could have been anywhere America, I began to teach that class and share with them as her ladyship had shared with me.

Don't just look, see. Don't just tell, imagine.

I set up shop, the teacher having been transformed into helper. My tools included a podium, a copy of Joyce Kilmer's signature poem "Trees", and Paul Robson's stirring rendition of the poem with music by Oscar Rasbach (1888-1975). It was first released in 1922, just 4 years after the poet was killed in World War I, aged just 31. Robson's moving version followed in 1939...

I asked my class to listen carefully to Robson's take (one of many fine renditions), and so I am now asking you to go to any search engine and listen carefully. You are about to go on a journey into another age of simpler values and where these venerated words would force an involuntary sob... man or woman... Everyone understood why and was glad to see, relieved they could show their fond hearts, too.

"Trees", published 1914.

"I think that I shall never see A poem lovely as a tree....

A tree that looks at God all day, And lifts her leafy arms to pray....

Poems are made by fools like me, But only God can make a tree."

Before writing, read.

One of the most important things for writers of any age is to both read your own words aloud, then have others read them aloud to you.

Thus, in my imaginary class, students would be encouraged to read aloud to their families, teacher, peers... and to ignore the taunts and gibes of the less enlightened for whom a special cycle of Dante's hell exists.

And then, having written, to let others read from their works. Both exercises mandatory, not a luxury but an essential aspect of your craft.

All writers must develop a sense of rhythm, of cadence, of how to manipulate and train the human voice to draw forth from readers the precise degree of response required. Writers are magicians and the apt mixing of words their special alchemy, the more master of your skill, the more potent the results.

Understanding, refining, scrutinizing, impacting.

All writers must read more than they write. And they must learn the art of intelligent discernment, of how to find and use words to maximum advantage. They must learn this necessary skill by reviewing the words and works of other writers... and, always, by reviewing their own.

They must learn, for instance, to look beyond the surface and received reputation of a work like "Trees"... to see what is clumsy and doesn't work, and what is sublime and piercing. That can only be done by careful study... and time... and by being the teacher every writer must become; a teacher of himself and a teacher of others.

And so, I should set as my assignment to the eager students of my imagining the task of writing --- and then reading to us all -- their own poem or essay under the title "Trees" inspired by Kilmer and Rasbach but the result owing everything to the writer, no fool at all, but the very voice of man and God.

***** Your response to this article is requested. What do you think? Let us know by posting your comments below.

About the Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Jeffrey Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books. Republished with author's permission by Ruthsella Corasol

Monday, November 14, 2011

What the Herman Cain scandal is really all about... and why it's bad news for the GOP.

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

Author's program note. I'm Illinois-born and bred, and that's why I'm tickled pink by the latest developments in the political education of pizza man Herman Cain. I mean, we loyal Illini were beginning to pine for another good scandal. We haven't had one, you see, since ex-Governor Rod Blagojevich was convicted in August, 2009 on 17 counts, including the really bright idea of trying to sell the U.S. Senate seat vacated by some guy named Obama who got a promotion and immediately moved out of the old neighborhood.

Anyway, we're so used to red meat in the Loop and what we call Chicagoland that a piece of ham-fisted political skullduggery doesn't begin to satisfy us to the extent that it would with, say, the rubes of Des Moines.

So, we're all just pleased as punch at the advent of Sharon Bialek, a Chicago woman you didn't know about a couple of days ago... a woman you will call "what's her name?" just a few days from now. But she's got news value right this minute... and I say, "Hurrah!" since all the political junkies in bars around the Land of Lincoln were beginning to lament the scandal-free landscape. But they are sure happy now.

Here are the facts:

Herman Cain is a guy who woke up one morning with a well-known American bee in his bonnet: he decided he was the White Hope of the nation, a Man of Destiny, ready to be outfitted for his place on Mt. Rushmore. Never mind that the man, a titan amongst pizza makers, had never had to make a decision more weighty than whether his pizzas should include anchovies, or not; Herman knew he was exactly what ailing Uncle Sam needed. And so he wrote a book (mandatory for all presidential candidates) to make his case to the nation and so started his gaffe-filled quest, a quest that made Don Quixiote de la Mancha and his Impossible Dream look as grounded as money in the bank..

For instance, on the matter of China and our need to worry, candidate Cain warned us of our jeopardy should the Red menace ever get The Bomb. It was promptly pointed out to the defiant "What me worry?" candidate that China became a nuclear power 47 years ago. But who needs facts when you are a master in the selection and positioning of pepperoni, which impacts us all and every palate. That's real power.

Herman Cain, a man who could partee!

I'm guessing from the censorious commentary in publications online and off that these guys don't understand the hospitality industry in which Cain cut such an expansive, larger-than-life figure. But I do know this industry where enough is too little and satisfying every little whim is their credo and pride. In short these boys and girls knew how to have a real good time.

Too much rich food, way too much booze, too much conversation that skated perilously close to the unacceptable and unprofessional (and often went beyond)... too much skin showing, too suggestive by half, and nary a spouse to be seen. They were at home like Mrs. Herman Cain, wife of 43 years, teacher, librarian, mother of two, grandmother of three, and completely invisible while her back-slapping, late playing, grand-standing hubby fights for his political life. The dutiful spouse who used to stand by her man... now lets "till death do us party" swing in the wind while she makes other plans. Nice.

You can picture the scene; it goes like this. "Hi, I'm Herman Cain." "Nice to meet you, Mr. Cain." "Call me Herman." And so the primordial dance of man and woman, big- wig and small fry, promotion giver and promotion seeker begins and progresses, all fueled by a ton of gratuities in the hospitality suite, overseen by one of those eye- popping ice sculptures, now melting from swan to ugly duckling.

In this business cum pleasure environment, Herman Cain, master of innuendo and the can't be complained about hug and kiss, ruled. And he got away with every questionable action... even to the extent of dishing out tidy sums to ease forgetfulness amongst the ladies who rebuffed him and needed to be removed from sight and mind. Had he never run for president of the United States no one would have cared about these ancient gropes and grinds from the libidinous 'nineties.

But not only did he run... he ran without first examining his life and actions.. .to be sure he was like Caesar's wife far above and far beyond any reproach whatsoever. He owed this scrutiny to the supporters who flocked to the hokum of his "9-9-9" message until all hell broke loose and his campaign needed "911" not "9-9-9."

And when it did, he stood before the world as naked and confused as the Emperor who had no clothes... exposing both himself and the party which made him its "front runner" to the most vulgar of jokes and erudite speculation on how a man of so little knowledge, absolutely no demonstrated political successes and no ability whatsoever to deal with this crisis had the unmitigated gall to stand before the citizens asking for the greatest gift of all.

The culprits of course are not the 4 women who say Cain made grossly improper suggestions. They are but the proximate cause of the current imbroglio. They will all come forth, all 4 of them, as Sharon Bialek already has, and they will tell their squalid little stories to a nation which cares nothing for them or their "courage" in making their claims. They are only insignificant pawns in the far bigger story; of why Cain, with so little to recommend him to a great nation, should still be politically kicking at all, for that is the true surprise.

Cain, of course, has only himself to blame for this debacle for which he blames himself not one iota. He is innocent, the victim of a witch hunt; he is misunderstood, he is white as snow, he is the victim, the greatest victim ever; he categorically rejects anything that is detrimental to his ludicrous candidacy. And so he goes on, day by day, hoping Adolph Hitler was right, that if you say a thing often enough the people will come to see it as the unvarnished and total truth. And so he stonewalls, never understanding that by so doing he fuels the media's desire and determination to discover all... and so make the pizza maker eat dirt.

In the end the ladies will have their moment of fame and they will say enough so detrimental that Cain will drop out as his support and finances tumble.

Why has this happened?

And now we come to a blunt assessment of why this is all so bad for the GOP. The man who should be the beneficiary of Cain's pratfalls and misjudgments, Mitt Romney, is in fact the problem, not the solution. He issues white papers; he offers numbers and plans, but the people see him as a man with statistics but no heart; a man it is virtually impossible to like... and they do not wish to follow such a man.

Cain exists now for one reason, because his supporters cannot abide the unpalatable Romney and are not sure what to do now that their unlikely paladin hangs by a thread. Any of the accusing women, with a plausible story and good presentation, can cut this thread... making Mitt more likely as the nominee but no more likely as the man to lead America forward. And this is the great dilemma of the GOP, once a great engine in the triumph of the nation, now in search of someone to lead us to greatness again.

###### Your response to this article is requested. What do you think?
Let us know by posting your comments below.

About the Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Jeffrey Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books. Republished with author's permission by Ruthsella Corasol

Saturday, November 12, 2011

America needs millions of new jobs. This huge undertaking has set our citizens brainstorming. Here are just a few of their ideas... cool!

By Dr. Jeffrey Lant

Author's program note. We shareholders of the United States of America, Inc. are deeply worried, perplexed, baffled and, yes, angry about our persistent unemployment rate, which continues to hover around 9%, with no end in sight. Experts, in fact, once so quick to offer their profound economic predictions based on their experience and study of past malaises are now gun shy, having been wrong so often; as a result their predictions are more opaque than ever, seeming to say much, but after explication saying absolutely nothing at all.

Into this breach the brightest and most well meaning folks have entered... unwilling to be patient a minute longer and anxious to show that American people can solve America's problems, even this draining one of unemployment. And so today, we celebrate what our never-say-die countrymen are dreaming up for bona fide jobs in the hopes that you, too, will join the parade and keep those grand ideas coming, timely and in detail.

For the appropriate music to accompany this article, I have selected the theme song of the film "9 to 5" which was released in 1980. Dolly Parton knocked this one out of the park, the bounciest tune ever composed on the unjust, unfair, and unending tricks, twists, and turns of the world of work. Ironically, most of the over 9% of unemployed Americans would positively jump at these jobs today... no matter the drawbacks... such is the level of our national desperation, apprehension, fear, and anxiety and why we need a Grand Alliance of the private sector and the governments of the nation -- local, state, and federal -- to create jobs, jobs, jobs.

Let's start with what some bright folks are doing in the great state of Florida where innovation and new ideas are sacrosanct and held in the highest regard. We must pause and here congratulate state Representative Brad Drake who at the beginning of October, 2011 filed a bill to stop letting convicted killers "get off that easy." His job- creating idea: to use firing squads, or (his far second choice) the electric chair for all those on death row.

Way to go, Brad!

Drake's bill would end the use of murderer-coddling lethal injection in Florida executions. Instead, those with a death sentence would get what every American craves, a choice; being entitled to choose between electrocution (remember, this is his personal second choice because it isn't the expedient that creates the most jobs in this sector) and a firing squad. He prefers the squad, because as a patriotic, jobs-creating American, that would create more jobs for needy Floridians.

Drake, one of those highly valued forward looking Republicans, said the idea came to him after having a conversation with a constituent at a Waffle House over the legal battles associated with the September 28, 2011 execution of Manuel Valle. All that sugar must have gone straight to his brain.

Valle's lawyers tried to stop the execution by arguing that a new lethal drug cocktail would cause him pain and therefore constitute cruel and unusual punishment. But courts rejected this argument and let the execution go forward. Why the coddling, Drake's constituent asked? They're murderers after all. And upon careful reflection this Tallahassee Solon agreed.

Drake is clear that the government is spending too much time listening to advocacy groups and instead should put in place a death sentence that forces convicted murderers to contemplate their fate. Now, Brad's got the bit between his teeth. He wants to make it hard on those murderers; never mind that they are being snuffed by state order. Yeah, he wants them to think about their pending punishment "every morning," as if they weren't doing that already. Besides, this is a great chance for entrepreneurs to get into the act.

Although Drake hasn't said so, I bet he's already thought up the idea of training squads of executioners and renting them out to other states which will, he is sure, come aboard after the program gets started; it's an idea, he reckons, whose time has come. And there's another financial advantage, too; we could rent these squads to foreign governments, more squeamish than we are, and so fill the empty coffers of Florida. This'll cinch the deal that ensures Rep. Drake's civic achievement.

No idea too small!

Our next great jobs-creating idea is also from Flori-duh, the land of ideas, light years ahead of other, less with-it Americans. Eat your heart out North Carolina for not dreaming up this one... this time legalized dwarf tossing.

Clueless citizen that you are, you probably didn't know that Florida's dwarfs are in unemployment lines getting welfare, when they could -- man, woman and child alike -- be doing good service (and sparing hard-pressed tax-payers) by being tossed around like a beach ball during happy hours statewide. Wow! Where do they come up with these really great ideas! Here are the facts...

According to Florida state Representative Ritch Workman, another one of those sharp- witted Republicans who run Florida these days, dwarfs are being oppressed by antediluvian state laws prohibiting them from being flung around bar rooms to enhance the drinking and entertainment experience of playful patrons, now miserable without their exuberant sport. This is a disgrace says Rep. Workman (so aptly named)... and he aims to set things to right and create a bright-shining example to other states which are still in the Dark Ages as far as dwarf tossing is concerned.

Thus, "Retain Rep. Workman for the Working Man", has introduced a bill that frees dwarfs for their destiny while likely shaving a bit off the state's horrendous unemployment rate, a punishing 1.6 percent above the US average... and a disgrace to Florida which clearly needs all the help it can get.

It's the double whammy of tough times for dwarfs getting jobs and the suppression of their God-given right to get tossed if and when they want to that fuels Workman's passion, for he is at once a man of tax-cutting, dollar-saving propensities and libertarian freedoms. As such, liberation of dwarfs everywhere demands his attention. And so he is aiming for nothing less than the overturning of the 1989 Florida law banning dwarf tossing as dangerous and dehumanizing.

But now get this... in an interview with Rep. Workman, published by Bloomberg News and running nationwide October 8, 2011, Ritch Workman said he personally found dwarf tossing "offensive" and "stupid". Still.... "If this is a job they want and people would pay to see it or participate in it, why in the world would we prohibit it?" Why indeed!

Democrats, of course, are irked beyond measure at this bill. They only want Floridians to have "real" jobs and wait patiently until their paladins create some; never mind that that might be years away. Carolyn Fiddler, a spokeswoman for the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee, dismisses the matter with a superior sniff. Of course she isn't a dwarf and has a job, too, and is far above the indignity of being passed from hand to hand by ruffians who might, not to put too fine a point on the matter, pinch the lady as she passes. This is, she is sure, yet another instance where Republicans don't get it. But most assuredly Rep. Workman does. He is after all a Man of Destiny, who sees clearly that less can be more.

Dolly was right!

I'm out of space for today, or I'd share with you more of these tales, for I have a ton of them. Suffice it to say people are not just waiting for Washington to wake up and focus on jobs. They're helping themselves and using their brains to create jobs, and we all ought to be glad for that. Unemployment hurts, and wouldn't you rather see folks in jobs they may not love than in no job at all? Maybe such a job wasn't the best on earth, but it did bring home the bacon... and besides I like hearing Dolly Parton sing. She can complain at my house any time she likes and make us believe "Your ship'll come in/ And the tide's gonna turn/ An' it's all gonna roll your way." We still believe this, don't we? Well, don't we?

******* What do you think? Let Dr. Lant know by posting your comments below.

About the Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Jeffrey Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books.
Republished with author's permission by Ruthsella Corasol