by Dr. Jeffrey Lant
Author's program note. One of Broadway's happiest and most enduring musicals is "How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying." Written by Frank Loesser; it was released in October, 1961 to immediate acclaim -- and a Pulitzer Prize to boot. Most recently it was revived with Daniel Ratcliffe -- famous for his eponymous role in the Harry Potter films -- starring in the lead role originally done to mischievous perfection by Robert Morse, simultaneously menace and mastermind.
I have selected one of the lesser tunes from the production for the occasional music to this article. It's called simply "Coffee Break", and you should go to any search engine now to listen to it. It's about how the absence of coffee -- and therefore the coffee break -- raises more anxiety and lamentation than a plague of locusts and completely stops the whole company, convinced that the end of the world as they know it is at hand. Oh, my! So much grief for one missed cuppa. However, the real shock is not that the coffee was late for the company coffee break, no indeed; the real shock is that more time, trouble, energy, irritation, and anger was expended on this event than on anything else that entire day... including the company's business they were hired to transact...until the outrage about the coffee break was surpassed by certain stale items on the lunch menu... thereby diverting everyone's outspoken attention to this even greater snafu.
The sad part is that this kind of ludicrous "crisis" and massive waste of time does not occur solely or exclusively on Madison Avenue or in Broadway shows... it is most likely the way you are running your "business" and why it doesn't prosper.
That's why today, I am going to put you and your "business" under the most minute scrutiny, the better to help you understand that your business, as you currently organize and run it -- cannot make the desirable profits of your imagination... until such time as you rethink everything -- absolutely everything -- so that the focus of your energy and action every day is NOT the coffee break... but actually doing BUSINESS. And as this analysis develops right before your very eyes, you are most likely to be chagrined, embarrassed, and horrified - and that's just for openers.
On the acute need to perceive what you are really doing every single day.
You say you are in business, correct? You say you want substantial, increasing profits, correct? You say you are a hard worker; indeed that the sun never sets on all the work you do, the tasks done, the challenges confronted, correct?
In short you are about as swift, intelligent, able and valuable a business person as business has ever seen and that your DNA should be donated to the nation so that generations yet to come may have the benefit of you and your unmatched business expertise and execution.
You, of course, are even now nodding your head in sage agreement with this flawless description of you and your business acumen. Modest though you are, you cannot but admit that you are the very paragon and model sketched above... just like Kansas City, you've gone about as far as you can go.
It is this proposition swallowed hook, line and sinker by the overwhelming majority of business owners of every kind that keeps you trapped in a business that doesn't grow, expand, prosper and that does not make and will never make the profits you consistently and repeatedly say are the reason you are in business to get and enjoy.
YOU and your business under our microscope.
Now, it's time to knuckle down to the important, sure-to-be-shocking analysis of what you do during your "business hours"... for you cannot improve your business until you know precisely what you do and precisely when you do it.
Business is about two things and two things only...
Quick! Can you guess what they are? The correct answer is 1) the generation of qualified prospects and 2) contacting these prospects, making them the most lavish, persuasive offer ever, then closing the deal forthwith. This is the two- step dance that keeps you in business, expands your business, and leads to money, money, money... yours, all yours.
Now let's see just what percentage of your average day focuses on these two key points... and what percentage of your business day goes to anything but these two essential tasks.
You'll need a pad, a watch, and total honesty.
To make this crucial scrutiny work, you will need to be clear about what you do, when you do it, and how long it takes to do it. In other words, you must start by creating a detailed picture of your average business day... and why it either works to produce the prospect leads and orders you need... or why it doesn't. Give this essential project which can launch the most profitable epoch for your business your fullest attention. Nothing will come of this project unless you are careful, thorough, and complete.
Your first task is to list all the things you do during your average business day. These will include but will certainly not be limited to
* all breaks, kind and duration;
* non-business related telephone and other communications;
* time spent "surfing" the Web, especially at sites unsuitable for visits during business hours;
* gossip with friends and co-workers;
* writing ad copy;
* creating offers that make sales;
* time on the telephone etc where you connect with prospects, and either upgrade them to be qualified prospects, or close them by making sales.
Get the picture? What you're trying to do is this: show yourself in unanswerable detail what you do on the average day that has absolutely nothing to do with the identification and closing of prospects... and how much time and effort you expend generating prospects and closing them.
Reforms must follow identification of what you are doing wrong, over and over again.
Chances are, you will be shocked and abashed by what you discover, for instance now seeing that you spend far more time surfing the Web and gossiping on the phone than you do on that same phone contacting prospects and closing deals. Such pernicious reality must be dealt with at once, for it is costing you money every single day.
Start today.
Do you care whether your business succeeds or fails? Do you care whether you make more money than less? Do you care whether the limited time you have on this planet is transformed into the maximum amount of coin of the realm, and so serenity, security, satisfaction?
That is why you must do this necessary exercise, and do it today. For you see, succeeding in business without really trying makes a dandy theme for a witty musical... but can in no way be regarded as a truth to build your ever more prosperous business by. That truth will be vividly apparent to you as you implement the recommendations of this important article.
*** We invite you to post your comments to this article below.
About the Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Services include home business training, affiliate marketing training, earn-at-home programs, traffic tools, advertising, webcasting, hosting, design, WordPress Blogs and more. Find out why Worldprofit is considered the # 1 online Home Business Training program by getting a free Associate Membership today. Republished with author's permission by Ruthsella Corasol
by Dr. Jeffrey Lant
Last night, January 19, 2012, The Boston Globe, the biggest and most influential newspaper in New England, pulled out all the stops for two of their best and brightest reporters; Michael Kranish, deputy chief of the Washington bureau of The Boston Globe and Scott Helman, staff writer at The Boston Globe. The occasion was the release of their new biography of former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney, the likely Republican presidential nominee.
First, my compliments to The Boston Globe. The special reception before a panel on der Mittster was nicely done and gave us all the opportunity to meet the authors and chat with them. The helpers were all efficient, polite, unobtrusive. Perfect.
It looked like a long evening until....
I sought out Michael Kranish first; he seemed like the senior member of the team and I try to get what I need for my article out of the way as soon as possible, so that I can sit back and enjoy the event. I told Kranish I had three brief questions for him.
First, would Romney ever be president? His unpromising answer: "It's possible. It could happen." This was not the incisive, insightful comment I was looking for... and suggested the possibility of a very long evening in the making, one to be ditched as soon as I'd eaten more of their fine brie.
Question 2: will Mormonism be an issue in the campaign? "In some places it could be," he answered. OMG! It was indeed going to be a very long evening.
But I said I wanted to ask him three questions... and it wasn't over until it was over. I ventured my third query. "What was the most unexpected thing about Romney you discovered in your research"? Then the intriguing answer, "What happened at Stanford University" when he was a student there during the Vietnam War, the war that derailed his father's presidential campaign. Ok, this was something promising... at last.
Of father brainwashed and campaign imploded.
Mitt Romney (born 1947) had as his dad a human dynamo called George Romney, celebrated as the rescuer of American Motors (which gave me my push button Rambler in high school), governor of Michigan, member of the Nixon cabinet; a man who rightly thought he had a superb shot at being president of the Great Republic... until...
... he went to Vietnam, where he got star treatment and massive misinformation about how the war was going, how we'd win, how the people loved us, and enough manure to fertilize Connecticut. He came back to America feeling like a fool; then shot himself through the head when he claimed the military had "brainwashed" him. His presidential campaign ended the minute the words were out of his mouth. Nobody wanted as president a man who could be controlled by the military or anyone else. And so George Romney's career ended... providing his son with a lifetime of lessons about what not to do... including the vital necessity to avoid the media whenever possible.
On his way back from Vietnam, Pere Romney stopped to visit Mitt at Stanford... where this devoted son got the opportunity to talk to his father about Life, War, God... of winning, losing, what's important and what isn't. It's the kind of conversation one has with a parent once in a lifetime... and Mitt took it all in and to heart. He would, he vowed, revenge what had happened to his father... being sure to derive all the proper lessons from this seminal event, including the absolute need in his life for God, the God of the Mormons...
To understand Mitt Romney, you must appreciate the importance and influence of his Mormon faith. It has provided the sinews of his life while isolating him from other people; people who often disdained his religion, calling it a "cult" and worse. Mitt learned to be private, very private, about his religion...letting very few people into that side of himself. Privacy, particularly privacy about his faith, became an obsession... something that may have connected him with God... but most assuredly estranged him from his fellow men, the people he'd need if he was ever to run for president.
What further separated him from the run of mankind was money... he made awesome amounts of it, largely through what are called leveraged buy-outs. This is a practice whereby investors buy a company, with the intention of doing everything they can to make it as profitable as possible, as quickly as possible; so they can sell the whole or its parts, often for staggering return on investment. This almost always involves the firing of employees in an attempt to decrease expenses and increase efficiency. Here Mitt Romney was king; a paragon who knew the delights that come when making only millions in a day was "bad" compared to the brilliant days, and plenty of them, when you made tens, even hundreds of millions lickety-split. Such days did absolutely nothing to connect him with mere mortals... and presented a problem he has still not been able to solve. Every time he got richer, Mitt got more disconnected... and less electable.
So, here we've got a candidate with a perfect marriage, 5 sons made by Disney, nary a scandal to be had... richer that God Himself... super bright... the hardest worker on the planet... but a loser for all that, because he just cannot connect with people and their everyday concerns to save his life.
Thus as I roamed the thin crowd talking with people, who were very keen to be asked their opinion about Mitt and his prospects, the temperature never rose above "tepid." Yes, right smack dab in the middle of Boston, capital of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts that Mitt had reigned over as governor (2003-2007), he couldn't have thrown off less heat. And so, the people whom he needed so desperately to make him president evinced absolutely no excitement at all, much less any abiding glow.
And you could see this puzzled authors Kranish and Helman because their unauthorized biography (without a single interview with Mitt), into which they had poured time, life and commitment could only go as far as its subject, and not an inch more. If he sailed into the White House, their book (which I made sure they both autographed) would have the legs most political books never do, but if the world was as lukewarm as the folks in their audience, their $30 book (praised though it was by the usual East Coast media suspects) was DOA...
That's why they came back to this point several times: awkward and disconnected as Mitt was in public, he was in private something of a cut-up (of the wonk variety), a man who could tell a story, give a hug, engage... even (and this arrested my attention for sure) moon walk while singing tunes from the Grateful Dead, tunes like "There's Whiskey In The Jug", an odd favorite for a tea-totalling Mormon:
"Mush-a ring dum-a do dum-a da Whack for my daddy-o. Whack for my daddy-o There's whiskey in the jar."
But this, though it made me smile and nod my head in wonderment was not the highlight of the evening. That was the rapt attention and joy in Aime Joseph. You see Mr. Joseph is my driver, a Haitian by birth, obsessed with American politics, always quizzing me about political people and their measures. He dressed up for this event, and imbibed every word with the utmost focus and concentration. "We have nothing like this in Haiti," he said as I gave him the present of a lifetime, an autographed copy of the book. And when he saw me about to drop it, he grabbed it from my hand, the better to ensure it did not fall; chiding me for lack of care with this valuable artifact.
And I saw so clearly what was the best part of all: the fact that this kind of forum, this kind of book, this kind of open dialogue and honest conversation still was foreign to most of the world... and the thing we should be most proud of, our gift to the world and our collective future.
Now, go to any search engine and find "Whiskey in the jug," and imagine Mitt moon walking to it... If there's enough whiskey in the jug, that should be no problem.
*** What do you think? We invite you to post your comments below.
About the Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Services include home business training, affiliate marketing training, earn-at-home programs, traffic tools, advertising, webcasting, hosting, design, WordPress Blogs and more. Find out why Worldprofit is considered the # 1 online Home Business Training program by getting a free Associate Membership today. Republished with author's permission by Ruthsella Corasol
by Dr. Jeffrey Lant
Author's program note. In 1970 Erich Segal began his international best seller "Love Story" with this line: "What can you say about a twenty-five-year-old girl who died?" The world shed copious, cleansing tears to find out. It was fiction in the cinemascope manner.
But my story is not fiction, it is fact, and answers this question: "What can you say about a twelve-year-old girl who died"? Plenty! And every word of it uplifting! Courageous! Inspirational!
For this is the story of Jessica Joy Rees, now taken from the world which valued her and rooted for her every minute, every single minute, of her too brief life.
And for this story, I have selected a bouncy tune from "Annie" the 1977 Broadway musical based on the popular Harold Gray comic strip; music by Charles Strouse, lyrics by Martin Charnin, and the book by Thomas Meehan. The particular tune I have selected is, of course, "Tomorrow", a song of such unfettered, irresistible hope that we can easily imagine it bears the sure and certain touch of God Himself, who we are assured calls all such innocents unto Himself, the better to traverse eternity in love and security.
About Jessica.
While other 12-year-old girls were texting friends with the latest gossip, fashion tips, and, of course, pivotal intelligence worthy of the CIA about boyz, Jessica Joy Rees, for all that she wasn't even a teen-ager, had far weightier things on her young mind. This Rancho Santa Margarita, California lass was wresting with the great questions of human life, riddles and perplexities even the most insightful approach with awe, trepidation and humility:
Who am I? Why am I here? Why am I who has hurt no one so afflicted?
Why me, O Lord, why me?
In her world of hurt, surrounded by adults who all wished to help, there were no sure answers to these questions... and so this slight 12-year-old girl, in constant, increasing pain, amidst a plethora of confusions and bafflements, braved her present struggle and the unknown future with an incandescent smile so radiant it might illuminate all the ages to come. And so this slip of a girl, so very young, came to know, far too soon, that the answers to these queries are in each of us... if only you look. And this young girl did look.. and found comfort aplenty, not just for herself but for the many others wresting with these great queries, as she was. Thus did Jessica Joy Rees, of just 12 winters, find her path, to care, to be a friend, to give solace, to share love... and above all to "NEVER EVER GIVE UP", NEGU, the profound acronym that became her defiant, empowering, world-famous online sign off code and raison d'etre.
It was a sentiment that came to define the girl, why she was here, and what she could do... and would do... for all that she was only a seventh-grader.
In the ideal world of our imagining -- but sadly not in ours -- no 12-year-old child would come to define her world and entire existence by disease, any disease. But while our politicians posture and pose, engaging in endless forays into the trivial and insignificant, thousands of these children sicken daily; governments like ours of the Great Republic preferring the creation and use of deadly weapons to sure victories over and complete eradication of deadly disease.
For these people, who waste every resource and cannot see the error of their costly, misguided, pointless ways, Jessica Joy Rees came as an unanswerable, challenging, and completely clear voice: for thousands of years Mankind has chosen war, mayhem, chaos and misery over the healing arts and sciences. Is it not time, honorable citizens, to try a different approach, raising the banner of health... not that of enmity, catastrophe, hatred, and destruction? Will you not join those who improve, protect and affirm life... instead of those who destroy it?
Jessica's blog.
Jessica, who should have been hanging at the mall and eviscerating the miscues and misconstructions of fashionistas, had instead a very different agenda, an agenda that would have challenged most any adult, but which to this child was child's play indeed. Time, fleeting for us all, racing even faster for young Jessica, had its urgent necessities... and so while she did what physicians advised in order to extend life, she lived what little she had, day by day, hour by hour, outreach by outreach, idea by idea, empathy by empathy... making progress and igniting the world as her few days dwindled.
With a wisdom far in advance of her years, Jessica set up a blog... a blog where she shared the considerable insights, knowledges and realizations of her situation; transforming mere personal history into a wealth of useful information for others who shared similar burdens or worse... people who found comfort and some peace, too... in the postings as good, weighty and true as those of Anne Frank. Jessica was empathy pure and simple... empathy graced by the smile of recognition, insight, and comfort; and a work ethic all her own.
With the bittersweet assistance of her father, Pastor Erik Rees, she started a foundation to raise money for pediatric cancer research, again reaching beyond herself for the amelioration of others.
Too, she devised "Joy Jars". Buyers got a t-shirt and filled them with "Joy" for others. These proceeds also went for research which would, she knew, find a cure... but too late for her. That did not signify, did not depress, or dismay her. Her work was to do; others would come, she was sure, to complete her important tasks.
And so a gallant girl, who might so reasonably and justifiably have chosen a very different course for her short time with us, chose instead to use what she had, and in such ample measure, to touch, improve, uplift and soothe the lives of the multitudes, from every corner of Earth, who benefited and will benefit from what she did... and will never forget Jessica Joy Rees, her struggle, her care, her kindness and the humanity which defined her, every day of her life. And this was why at her death, tens of thousands gathered at her Facebook site, gathering for far more than to mark her demise; rather celebrating the heroine and inspiration she was and would always remain. Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust. Amen.
** Your comments on this article are invited below.
About the Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Services include home business training, affiliate marketing training, earn-at-home programs, traffic tools, advertising, webcasting, hosting, design, WordPress Blogs and more. Find out why Worldprofit is considered the # 1 online Home Business Training program by getting a free Associate Membership today. Republished with author's permission by Ruthsella Corasol
by Dr. Jeffrey Lant
Author's program note. In 1911 Shelton Brooks wrote and composed a tune that became the signature song for the "Last of the Red-Hot Mamas", Sophie Tucker. There wasn't a woman alive (not a girl, mind, but a card-carrying woman) who didn't love Tucker for getting up off her backside and singing it like it is... about the woman who gave so much, only to be discarded and spurned by her man... the man who thereby let you know he was on his way to other places, other people. And so as Sophie got up and belted out the words, you knew she was singing for you...
"Some of these days. You're gonna miss me honey/" Some of these days. You're gonna feel so lonely."
And no matter how demur and sweet you were, when Sophie sang this strident song, a declaration of intent, you got up and sang it with her, yeah even if you were an arthritic 88... because you were angry about that no good man; because you were hurtin'... because you needed to make it clear you were still here, still desirable, still alive... and that your best days were not in the past... but just around the corner.
Sophie's song was liberating, cathartic, a soul-lifter, helping you get through the lonely days and even lonelier nights... so you could get up and keep going.
If only the elephants had a defender like Sophie Tucker... and a tune like this one.which you'll easily find in any search engine)... maybe they wouldn't be facing extinction by 2020. But they don't... and that's just one more reason for despair....
2011 a catastrophic year for the endangered African elephants.
Let's be clear about something: specialists have known for some time, and have regularly reported, that the end of the elephants is at hand unless radical action is taken and taken NOW. One of the greatest creatures on our Third Rock from the Sun, the elephant, is about to go the way of all flesh... only a comparative handful of bullets now stand between them and total, complete, irrevocable extinction. The latest installment of this tragedy is being reported now.
On December 29, 2011, for instance, Tom Milliken, an elephant and rhino specialist for the wildlife trade monitoring network TRAFFIC said, "2011 has truly been a horrible year for elephants." Why? For the usual reason: ivory. 2011 was the worst year on record since ivory sales were banned in 1989, so bad that the world is just 8 short years away from being present when the last great elephant is shot... thereby demonstrating yet again how unfit we humans are for the task of saving this planet and its creatures, wiped out one by one because of our proven ineptitude and malfeasance.
It's all about the ivory.
Milliken is clear and emphatic about the problem: "In 23 years of compiling ivory seizure data... 2011 is the worst year ever for large ivory seizures." As many as 3000 elephants were killed by poachers in the last year, a figure of horror... pushing these elephants, bullet by bullet... into a future without their majesty and wonder,
In one case in early December, Malaysian authorities seized hundreds of African elephant tusks valued at $1.3 million that were being shipped to Cambodia. The ivory was hidden in containers of Kenyan handicrafts. Per usual, avarice was in the driver's seat. Particularly in Asia....
Experts agree that most of the outrages nowadays involve ivory being smuggled from Africa into Asia, where growing wealth has fed the desire for Ivory ornaments and for rhino horn that is used in traditional medicine, though scientists proved long ago that it has no medicinal value whatsoever. And so African elephants die to provide gimcrackery for the nouveau riche and fake medicine for the credulous and duped. Yes, for such trivial causes do these great elephants die...
TRAFFIC said Asian crime syndicates are increasingly involved in poaching and the illegal ivory trade across Africa, a trend that coincides with growing Asian investment on the continent. From his headquarters in Zimbabwe Milliken said, "The escalation in ivory trade and elephant and rhino killing is being driven by the Asian syndicates that are now firmly enmeshed within African societies.There are more Asians than ever before in the history of the continent, and this is one of the repercussions." Tom Milliken is a brave man; these syndicates cannot like these words... and it is easy, so easy, to shoot one bullet in the night into an elephant -- or into the good people like Milliken who try to protect them and so notify the world about what's going on.
Fewer elephants every single day and less hope for the future.
By the end of this day another 25 elephants will die... and with their passing there will be even less chance to preserve the survivors. The problem is acute in Congo, northern Kenya, southern Tanzania, and northern Mozambique... and most of all, in Chad where the elephant population is at crisis level, worsening with every passing day as their dwindling numbers make clear.
For instance, in the 1980's experts estimated the total population of African elephants around 1 million, with 70,000 elephants being killed a year. Now, at the commencement of 2012, their numbers are less than 470,000 with poachers more ardent and determined as elephants move closer to extinction. Poachers sense they must act now... or never. Thus, authorities seized at least 13 large seizures in 2011... compared to 6 in 2010.
And as the elephant goes, so go all the creatures dependent on it.
Earth is a series of interlocking networks; we are all dependent on others who, in turn, are dependent on us. Thus as the elephants die, their essential work of opening habitats for other species is diminished; and so the fate of one becomes the fate of many until there is crisis and extinction for all.
The African elephant is at the crucial tipping point where, soon, it will be too late to change the course of events. We are close, so very close to this moment, but the important thing is that we are not there yet. We can still, just now, make a difference by...
* Writing to the President of the United States and urging his immediate action.
* Sending a few bucks to TRAFFIC and the International Fund for Animal Welfare.
* Asking your Congressman and Senator to introduce resolutions on the matter.
* Getting the kids in your school to sign a petition, then sending it to your mayor and asking for a "Save the Elephants" Day.
Get the picture?. We must not allow what could now so easily happen, allowing the African elephant to go gentle into this good-night. We must fight, fight against the waning of the light, like Dylan Thomas wrote.... and as Sophie Tucker sang...
for "when you leave me, I know it will grieve me You'll miss your little baby Yes, some of these days."
Let's all do our bit at once so we never have to grieve, in these or any other days...
About the Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Services include home business training, affiliate marketing training, earn-at-home programs, traffic tools, advertising, webcasting, hosting, design, WordPress Blogs and more. Find out why Worldprofit is considered the # 1 online Home Business Training program by getting a free Associate Membership today. Republished with author's permission by Ruthsella Corasol
by Dr. Jeffrey Lant
Author's program note. It was the work of an instant to select the music to accompany this article. It had to be Rocky Balboa's theme song, "Gonna Fly Now" (released 1977). It's perfect for people who must work, really work, to grab victory. Rocky Balboa, Sylvester Stallone's alter ego, was that kind of person. His life was a mess... and what he knew about winning wouldn't even fill a thimble. He had to learn it, commit to it, do it... through every body-stretching, painful movement. But he wanted victory, he needed victory, he had to know what being a champion was all about... and so he did what he had to do, the more so on the many days he felt like throwing in the towel, giving up, because giving up was so easy to do.
And, therefore, completely unacceptable.
He ran and he ran, up the famous steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art... he ran.... he stumbled... he sweated like a horse... and he fell. And that's when a remarkable thing happened...
First one person jumped to his feet in the cinema and pounded the air with his clenched first... Rocky was running for this boy now... and the boy knew it... and shouted...
And then there was growing pandemonium in the theatre, as whole rows of people, men and women, old age pensioners now and even hitherto demur women of a certain age... graduate students, physicians, kids from the neighborhood and retired has-beens with no lifetime victories at all... we were all on our feet, screaming for Rocky.... because we knew what he was going through... and we wanted to help him... and re-ignite our own lives.
It was primal.... it was cathartic... it was magnificent.
Go now then to any search engine and find this music. Play it loud, proud, often... it is the theme song for people who have known only too well what being an underdog is all about... and what sweet victory demands of them... and their willingness to do whatever is necessary to get it... because this kind of victory demands the best of you, everything of you and will never accept less.
Have you ever given all of yourself in this way, to show the world -- and yourself -- just what you're made of? Because you will never understand the pure exhilaration that life can be until you have put yourself, every particle of yourself on the line, victory or death, torpedoes be damned, full speed ahead.
Well, meet one woman who has... a grandmother from California. Her name is Linda Elze, and she is a champ of champs.
And it is my great privilege to introduce her to you, her and the mindset and the unrelenting determination that has turned her into a role model, an inspiration, a champion.
Champs know only one direction: up; know only one position: first!
I have known many champions in my almost 65 years... and one thing they all share is an adamant commitment to reaching the top. They know that that is where their true fulfillment is to be found... and that fulfillment is worth every obstacle, every impediment, every challenge and every crushing set-back... for make no mistake about it: there has never been, nor will there ever be, a champion who has not been mangled, crushed, cast down.... Overcoming such situations is not only necessary to becoming a champion... but it is because such situations have been overcome that gives victory its unique savor and bliss.
Champions commit, without any guarantees.
What does life offer each of us? Some wag said, "just death and taxes"; but champions can add pain to that, with absolutely no assurance of victory. Thus they face the certainty of work... of pain... of obstacles... without the smallest guarantee that they'll achieve their objective.
100% work.... 0% guarantee of victory. This is the formula every champion lives by... and from this they must draw everything they'll need for victory... and they must do this most of all on days when every sinew of their bodies is asking for, no demanding, rest... comfort... release; the very thing champions, of all people, must use spariingly, for these are the impediments to victory.
Champions face -- then grapple with and overcome -- their imperfections.
One thing you can bet on with champions is this: each and every one of them was born imperfect. Each champion had, at one time or several, to face this reality with complete honesty and candor. Integrity begins with a knowledge of just who you are, and most particularly what imperfections you have. Then having perceived and enumerated them... you must work to overcome them. For perfection can only be achieved through the stark recognition and assiduous overcoming of imperfection.
Champions maintain an acute realization of time... and learn how to use this perishable commodity to maximum effect.
Benjamin Franklin told us that time is money... but even more than that, time is the process that defines and limits us. No know knows better than an aspiring champion just how finite and intractable time really it... and therefore approaches each and every day with humility, respect, and total commitment, no excuses, no hesitations, and no regrets... because regrets imply that you didn't do enough or in the right way. However, champions retire each day comforted by the knowledge, the certainty that they did what was necessary -- everything that was necessary -- to make this day the best it could be.
Out of surfeit, generosity.
And one more thing. Champions give. Because they have, because they can, because they must. All champions are defined by their generosity... they have so much by virtue of their victories... and each desires to share it.
.... and of such givers Linda Elze is the queen, as people worldwide can attest; good people becoming even better from the infusions of this single woman; often tired, sometimes ill, yet never without a smile, a kind word, a tip, a helping hand.
And so today, we do not just salute and acknowledge the champion... but the woman who became the champion, and who has given so much to launch and assist others so they become champions, too.
This is her hour, her day, not an end, but a new beginning. For she has so many victories to come, so many to help, and each gives her what champions need most of all, and grateful, love. It is our privilege to give... her privilege to take. God speed, Linda Elze, on your triumphant way. We are all so very proud of you, not just for your victories, but for your heart and the love that defines you.
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About the Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Services include home business training, affiliate marketing training, earn-at-home programs, traffic tools, advertising, webcasting, hosting, design, WordPress Blogs and more. Find out why Worldprofit is considered the # 1 online Home Business Training program by getting a free Associate Membership today. Republished with author's permission by Ruthsella Corasol
If you want to set your business apart from your competitors spend some time creating and fostering relationships with your current and prospective customers.
Strong business relationship lead to long term customers and this is good for your bottom line. If you have been ignoring social media it's time to recognize that you are turning your back on a vital direct connection to the people who have supported your business and those people who may be your next customers. Your customers are a vital source of information for any company. They can help you understand how to better meet their needs and therefore, retain their business while attracting new business. One of the most powerful ways to tap this valuable resource is by finding more ways to connect with your customers and build lasting relationships.
Relationship building is an ongoing process on and offline. Social media makes it easier to start and build relationships with current and prospective customers all over the world. Your marketing plan should include dedicating resources for building your online presence through posts, blogs, backlinks, bookmarks, commenting and more. Your website is simply not enough any more. If you want to speak to your customers and grow your sales you will need to connect with them using popular social media.
Social media makes it easy to build relationships with your customers, here's how.
- Instantly create connections
- Expand your reach to new markets
- Ability to jump on customer service issues right away
- Better identify gaps in your service provision
- Know what people are saying about your company
- Increase awareness of what your business offers
- Increase referrals and sales
- Generate new sales with offers
- Post Product or Service Reviews
- Improve customer experiences with your company
- Generate fresh online frequent content that you control
What to do next:
Have a look at some of the popular Social Media sites to see which ones are the best fit for your company, products or services. Don't limit yourself to just the large sites, if you can find niche sites directly related to your purposes this can be ideal and easily found with a Google search. Here's just a few of the top ones ranked by
Before the Internet, building business relationships meant greeting your customer by name when they came into your store. Today, it means using social media to better connect with your customers and in the process of helping them you help your own company grow stronger. Companies and their customers are connected in a way never seen before and it’s your job as a business owner to facilitate this process.
About the Author
Sandi Hunter is the Director of Website Development at Worldprofit Inc., a company providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Services include home business training, affiliate marketing training, earn-at-home programs, traffic tools, advertising, webcasting, hosting, design, WordPress Blogs and more. Find out why Worldprofit is considered the # 1 online Home Business Training program by getting a free Associate Membership today. Republished with author's permission by Ruthsella Corasol
Creating content for your websites and affiliate pages is a time consuming endeavour. Whether you're trying to create the ultimate article marketing resource of simply building basic content to add to your PPC websites, research time and writing time add up and seem to create endless periods of writing. If you're no stranger to inactivity and distraction in your writing goals, it'll come as no surprise to know that there are some great ways to optimise your writing to keep both time and effort down. Don't spend your precious time writing 24/7 -- instead, apply the basic principles and tactics that can cut your writing down to a small, easily manageable box on your timetable.
How do the star writers operate? Firstly, they limit themselves to topics that they truly understand. This doesn't mean that they only ever write about a certain subject, just that they use their own lens to make sure that their content is build with expertise behind it. When you really understand a topic, the writing comes both more simply, more fluently, and more quickly. By doing even a small preliminary round of research and investigation, you can cut your writing time down to a fraction of what it would otherwise be.
Another great tactic is to batch similarly themed articles together for one work session. Instead of going through your articles in an unorganised list, you can group articles by subject, theme and writing style to make sure that you stay at 100% creativity and productivity throughout your entire writing session. Don't fall short of your targets by performing crutch activities; invest some time into arranging your articles and eliminate those time-wasting activities.
While these tips will help you get on the path towards quicker, higher quality writing, they're really just the beginning. In order to truly optimise your writing, you need to spend a small amount of time auditing and understanding how great and efficient writing comes into existence. This free report is packed with information and strategy for any article writer, and is the perfect resource for you to use to optimise your writing speed and strategy.
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Don't spend hour after hour creating uninspired and bland articles. By investing a small amount of time into reading this free report, you'll save hundreds of hours from your article writing time. Optimise, maximise and liberate yourself from article writing with this free report.
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