Author's program note. It was the work of an instant to select the music to accompany this article. It had to be Rocky Balboa's theme song, "Gonna Fly Now" (released 1977). It's perfect for people who must work, really work, to grab victory. Rocky Balboa, Sylvester Stallone's alter ego, was that kind of person. His life was a mess... and what he knew about winning wouldn't even fill a thimble. He had to learn it, commit to it, do it... through every body-stretching, painful movement. But he wanted victory, he needed victory, he had to know what being a champion was all about... and so he did what he had to do, the more so on the many days he felt like throwing in the towel, giving up, because giving up was so easy to do.
And, therefore, completely unacceptable.
He ran and he ran, up the famous steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art... he ran.... he stumbled... he sweated like a horse... and he fell. And that's when a remarkable thing happened...
First one person jumped to his feet in the cinema and pounded the air with his clenched first... Rocky was running for this boy now... and the boy knew it... and shouted...
And then there was growing pandemonium in the theatre, as whole rows of people, men and women, old age pensioners now and even hitherto demur women of a certain age... graduate students, physicians, kids from the neighborhood and retired has-beens with no lifetime victories at all... we were all on our feet, screaming for Rocky.... because we knew what he was going through... and we wanted to help him... and re-ignite our own lives.
It was primal.... it was cathartic... it was magnificent.
Go now then to any search engine and find this music. Play it loud, proud, often... it is the theme song for people who have known only too well what being an underdog is all about... and what sweet victory demands of them... and their willingness to do whatever is necessary to get it... because this kind of victory demands the best of you, everything of you and will never accept less.
Have you ever given all of yourself in this way, to show the world -- and yourself -- just what you're made of? Because you will never understand the pure exhilaration that life can be until you have put yourself, every particle of yourself on the line, victory or death, torpedoes be damned, full speed ahead.
Well, meet one woman who has... a grandmother from California. Her name is Linda Elze, and she is a champ of champs.
And it is my great privilege to introduce her to you, her and the mindset and the unrelenting determination that has turned her into a role model, an inspiration, a champion.
Champs know only one direction: up; know only one position: first!
I have known many champions in my almost 65 years... and one thing they all share is an adamant commitment to reaching the top. They know that that is where their true fulfillment is to be found... and that fulfillment is worth every obstacle, every impediment, every challenge and every crushing set-back... for make no mistake about it: there has never been, nor will there ever be, a champion who has not been mangled, crushed, cast down.... Overcoming such situations is not only necessary to becoming a champion... but it is because such situations have been overcome that gives victory its unique savor and bliss.
Champions commit, without any guarantees.
What does life offer each of us? Some wag said, "just death and taxes"; but champions can add pain to that, with absolutely no assurance of victory. Thus they face the certainty of work... of pain... of obstacles... without the smallest guarantee that they'll achieve their objective.
100% work.... 0% guarantee of victory. This is the formula every champion lives by... and from this they must draw everything they'll need for victory... and they must do this most of all on days when every sinew of their bodies is asking for, no demanding, rest... comfort... release; the very thing champions, of all people, must use spariingly, for these are the impediments to victory.
Champions face -- then grapple with and overcome -- their imperfections.
One thing you can bet on with champions is this: each and every one of them was born imperfect. Each champion had, at one time or several, to face this reality with complete honesty and candor. Integrity begins with a knowledge of just who you are, and most particularly what imperfections you have. Then having perceived and enumerated them... you must work to overcome them. For perfection can only be achieved through the stark recognition and assiduous overcoming of imperfection.
Champions maintain an acute realization of time... and learn how to use this perishable commodity to maximum effect.
Benjamin Franklin told us that time is money... but even more than that, time is the process that defines and limits us. No know knows better than an aspiring champion just how finite and intractable time really it... and therefore approaches each and every day with humility, respect, and total commitment, no excuses, no hesitations, and no regrets... because regrets imply that you didn't do enough or in the right way. However, champions retire each day comforted by the knowledge, the certainty that they did what was necessary -- everything that was necessary -- to make this day the best it could be.
Out of surfeit, generosity.
And one more thing. Champions give. Because they have, because they can, because they must. All champions are defined by their generosity... they have so much by virtue of their victories... and each desires to share it.
.... and of such givers Linda Elze is the queen, as people worldwide can attest; good people becoming even better from the infusions of this single woman; often tired, sometimes ill, yet never without a smile, a kind word, a tip, a helping hand.
And so today, we do not just salute and acknowledge the champion... but the woman who became the champion, and who has given so much to launch and assist others so they become champions, too.
This is her hour, her day, not an end, but a new beginning. For she has so many victories to come, so many to help, and each gives her what champions need most of all, and grateful, love. It is our privilege to give... her privilege to take. God speed, Linda Elze, on your triumphant way. We are all so very proud of you, not just for your victories, but for your heart and the love that defines you.
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About the Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Services include home business training, affiliate marketing training, earn-at-home programs, traffic tools, advertising, webcasting, hosting, design, WordPress Blogs and more. Find out why Worldprofit is considered the # 1 online Home Business Training program by getting a free Associate Membership today. Republished with author's permission by Ruthsella Corasol
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