Sunday, November 17, 2013

You can lead a horse to water, but....

Author's program note. I am CEO of an extraordinary company called Worldprofit Inc. Since 1994 we have been in the business (and mighty successful, too, I might say)  of setting up people worldwide in their own online business. The three partners,  Sandi Hunter, president; George Kosch, resident wizard and chief technical officer,  and me, in charge of copy, content and public relations are proud of what we've  created... proud to the point of wondering why anyone wanting online success  and guaranteed profits (if you follow the simple guidelines) wouldn't want to join  us and succeed accordingly.

 When this happens, I am chagrined, irked, disappointed, wondering what I did  wrong, master marketer though I am, thus failing to engage with the customer  who was actually willing to walk away from the prevailing offer to join, an offer  always worth a king's ransom more than the prospect was asked to invest.

 Invariably while I'm ruminating on the reason for this (to me)  incomprehensible  matter, one of our ever-present, 24-hour-a-day-live monitors, pipes up to say, "Dr.  Lant, you can lead a horse to water..." And I say, as expected, "But you can't make  him drink."  There the matter ordinarily rests until the next obtuse, obstinate,  clueless, hapless customer pops up and digs in, determined to be as difficult  and uncooperative as possible. This "explanation" may have been good enough  in the past... but is "good enough" no longer, for now I intend to confront the  question of why that infernal mammal didn't drink... and what I can do about it,  to the eternal benefit of man... horse... and customer.

 "Happy Trails".

 To put you in just the right mood for this pace-setting article, the right music  is required, the kind of music homesick cowboys warble after a couple of shots  late at night, as their best and most loyal friend takes both back to the barn  and slumber amidst the hay. And so I give you one of the warmest and best  remembered of such tunes, "Happy Trails". Find it now in any search engine;  it'll bring back a torrent of happy memories when you were young and innocent,  and your biggest problem was how to explain that D minus in math so Dad  didn't give you a licking with the wide belt always hanging on the basement  wall.

 The song was written by Dale Evans Rogers and was the theme song for  the 1940s and 1950s radio program and the 1950s television show starring  Roy Rogers and Dale Evans Rogers. It was always sung over the credits of  the program. It was released in 1952 as a 78 RPM and re-issued in 1957 as a  45 RPM record on RCA Victor/Bluebird and immediately became one of the  signature songs of the Eisenhower era, when God blessed America.

 The most talented, cooperative horse ever.

 Always at the center of this special place with sunny weather and the best  people on Earth was a horse, your horse, your best, most trustworthy, always  loyal friend, who knew when to nuzzle and when to fly like the wind, always together  'til death do us part, remembered with love, remembered forever. For Roy Rogers -- and for the Great Republic -- that horse was Trigger (1932-1965), originally named  Golden Cloud, the magnificent palomino for those of us who didn't have a horse of  our own.

 Trigger, at 15.3 hands (63 inches), was by any reckoning one fine animal,  and he and Roy Rogers got on like a house afire after being acquired in 1938.  Rogers taught him 150 trick cues, including how to walk up to 50 feet on his hind  legs. In due course, with a string of movie credits, Trigger became the most  famous horse in film entertainment, even having his own Dell comic book recounting  his exploits. Rogers, for instance, made many personal appearances with Trigger  in tow. More than once according to his autobiography "Happy Trails", he escorted  Trigger up 3-4 flights of stairs to visit with sick children. If only things had finished  there...

 Butcher John L. Jones.

 When Trigger died in 1965, full of years and honors, perhaps the most famous  horse since Incitatus, made consul of Rome by the emperor Caligula, Roy Rogers  arranged for Everett Wilkensen of Bischoff's Taxidermy in Los Angeles to preserve  him for the ages, a glory to his kind. But butcher John L. Jones had other ideas.  Thus was the flesh of the best loved horse of all sold and eaten in various southwestern  restaurants against the strict provisions of the Prevention of Food Adulteration Act of 1954,  thereby earning the despicable Jones five years in the pokey and universal contempt;  frightening horses everywhere. Is it therefore any wonder that when mankind invites them  to drink, they demur, decline, distrusting us, no matter how much they need the vital  refreshment before them?

 A beginning, not an end.

 When people say "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink", they  mean this to be the last word on the subject. But it most assuredly is not. The horse  ain't drinking. We need to know why and take immediate action to solve the problem...  Here are my recommendations:

 1)  Be sure you're talking to a horse. You say, what can he mean? I know a horse  when I see one. But, dear inner-city and suburban reader, you don't. Do you know  what a mule is? It's the result of cross breeding horses and donkeys and, with all  due respect, you might easily make a mistake. Always be clear about who you're  talking to.

 2) Particularly if you sell worldwide, understand that the sales process may well  be different in one country from another. You need to be sensitive to the prospect's  situation and way of doing business. Always ask the horse for the pertinent facts.  Never assume you know them.

 3) Ask the horse if he's thirsty. If may be that the horse had only recently drunk  his fill whilst you were in the bar having one more for the road and oggling the  eye candy. Do not presume that you know everything about that horse's situation.  Always ask and be prepared to act according to what you hear. You may well be  surprised.

 4) Be sure the horse knows how hard you've worked to get him water... and the  benefits of drinking this essential elixir of life. To achieve this objective you must  be willing to take the time and communicate. Horses are remarkable animals,  quite capable of advanced communication. Take advantage of this by sitting  down, relaxing and slowly but surely advising the horse just what you've got and  why it's so valuable for the animal (or the customer).

 5) Sweeten the deal. Remember, horses are intelligent, far beyond the condition  of most creatures. Thus, if they are turning up their noses at what is before them, it  may well be because they have evaluated your offer (water) and found it distinctly  wanting. In short, it may well be necessary to increase what you offer until seeming  obstinacy becomes happy acceptance. (As a last resort, try offering a very dry martini  with two big olives de rigueur.)

 6) Give the gift that stimulates action. Have you ever eaten a carrot? No, I'm not  kidding you. Do you like salt on them, like I do? Then you know salting carrots leads  to needing a good drink. Horses love carrots; you add the salt. Thus by stimulating  the need to drink... you will have a horse asking you not for just one drink.... but several  more. I guarantee it.

 7) Use a special treat to motivate. The biggest mistake is to assume that horse  (and customers, too, for that matter) will be happy to take a measly offer far below  what you're capable of giving. Whinny frequently; up the ante. You can start with such  an offer, if you like, on the principle that you can upgrade it as necessary... or you can  study the horse and all his wants and initiate the enhanced offer yourself. Either way,  you must be prepared. Always have better offers available so that you're not surprised  when you perceive the need for them.

 8) Expatiate on all the benefits the horse gets for getting the necessary task out of  the way. Paint the most alluring picture possible. Put helium in your voice and bounce  in your words. Do not only state but enlarge upon the benefits. As part of your uplifting  and motivational presentation make it clear how many other horses are getting ahead  of this particular horse for failure to act and act promptly.

 9)  Call in the experts. If that ol' horse STILL won't drink, call in the professionals,  namely a wizard called a horse whisperer. They are truly awesome, as proven by  the fact that they get to be the subject of school documentaries and speeches at  Toastmasters. As such I imagine they command quite substantial fees... but, depending  on how much you are counting on the horse and his tasks, they are worth it. Just  make sure they wear that cute cowboy hat and skin tight jeans favored by Kenny  Chesney and other Country and Western stars. It makes the horses laugh  and that  is always a good thing.

 10) "Getta horse". If even Step 9 doesn't produce an accommodating beast, you're  well and truly up against it. In this case, call the knackers and trade in that tiresome  horse for a more dependable jalopy. And in case that breaks down (it happens in even  the best families) and some wise acre screams "Getta horse", you can scream back,  "I had a horse. And I ate him for lunch today."  Mmm Mmm good!

About the Author Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is the author of over a dozen books, ebooks and over one thousand online articles on a variety of topics. Republished with author's permission by Ruthsella Corasol

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