Thursday, October 31, 2013

Son of a gun. The murderous bullets of Sparks. Monday, October 21, 2013. The ineradicable shame of a great nation, knowing what must be done, unable to do it. And Mozart... who turns our tears and rage into the majesty of Redemption. A tale.

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant.

 Author's program note. This is the story I didn't want to write about. Didn't want to  hear about... didn't want to think about... didn't want to deal with in any way... but  all to no avail. This is a story that demands the telling... insists upon our honest  rendering... and calls upon us for anger! Outrage! Enmity! Fury! Impatience!  Indignation! Ire! Resentment! Gall! And above all for action, swift, thorough,  complete, grossly overdue.

 It is a tale that demands to be told with the unmitigated clarity of Mozart  and the masterpiece that carried him from the light of the life he loved unto the  unimaginable darkness of darkest death which all approach with awe, resignation,  and hope.

 For this universal situation which touches us all, we need the genius of Mozart  who took this great fear called death, the great fact of life, and gave us, always  with God's love, absolution; the thing we all desire but only God may give...

 Thus for this article of sharp, sickening pain and terrible loss, the more terrible  because unnecessary I give you the necessary antidote, the Requiem Mass in  D minor (K. 626), written in Vienna by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in 1791 but  unfinished at his death in December of that year. Find it in any search  engine.  Turn up the volume and be glad this work of genius, empathy and compassion  eases the universal way into the eternity into which we all progress and forever  abide. Amen!

 The city of promise.

 The people of Sparks, Nevada, numbering 90,264 in the 2010 U.S. Census Bureau  count are the very essence of America. They believe in God... the Great Republic...  family... and their right and responsibility to seize the imperfect present and create  the always better future. They are proud of the good life they have fashioned for  themselves since the city's founding in 1905, transforming the previously searing  and inhospitable land called "snow clad" ("nevada") by the Spanish hidalgos who  were the first Europeans to tread its immensity. Their civic motto is "It's Happening  Here!"... and so it is ... for good and now with bitterness and rue for ill.

 For the sad fact is an overwhelming majority of these people of the sierras adheres,  and adamantly too, to their right to keep and bear arms and to use these arms, thereby  paying the terrible price, now regarded as the "cost of doing business".  In such  circumstances what does it matter if a few children and their teachers are gunned  down, dying in their own blood, in their once amiable classrooms? Yes, it's just the  cost of doing business after all; a mere bagatelle.

 The facts.

 Before the opening bell on Monday, October 21, a student at a Sparks, Nevada middle  school opened fire with a 9mm semi-automatic Ruger handgun, wounding two 12-year-  old boys and killing a math teacher who was trying to protect children from their  dangerous and determined classmate.

 The still unidentified shooter then killed himself with the gun after a rampage in front  of 20 to 30 students who had just returned to school from a weeklong fall break.

 As news of the shooting got out 150 to 200 police officers responded, including some  from as far away as 60 miles. The two wounded students were taken to hospital  for treatment and are now listed in stable condition. One was shot in the shoulder,  and the other was hit in the abdomen.  Students from the middle school and neighboring  elementary school were evacuated to the nearby high school, and classes were cancelled.  The middle school will remain closed for the week so that the scene of grim carnage  may be scrubbed clean and be pristine again... as if that were even possible... or desirable.

 For we do not need to forget. Instead we need to remember, that is the thing of utmost  necessity, for only memory can help us solve this problem, now seen by many as  inevitable and unsolvable, no longer a conundrum to be unraveled but an immutable fact  of life in our murderous age where there is nothing odd or even noteworthy about a 12-  year-old blowing his former friends and beloved teacher to kingdom come. But of course  this is not merely odd but a chilling abomination and profound moral outrage.

 To accept evil as inevitable when it can be eradicated is evil itself, not a fact of life, but a  fact of death, mayhem, and our descent from grace. Michael Landsberry not only knew  this, not only lived by this but died by this. Thus he woke up Monday a math teacher... but  ended both day and life an American hero, the victim not just of the child who pulled  the trigger but the larger society which enabled him to do so, failing to act to prevent such  predictable and periodic slaughter.

 "Mr. Landsberry".

 Just 45, a man in his prime, Michael Landsberry was a contented man, a man  respected by his peers and grateful community for his actions in war and peace;  loved by an affectionate spouse and even by his two step-children, a success not  given to every step-parent; admired and looked up to by his eighth grade mathematics  students and by the young people he coached in soccer and basketball with strict  guidelines and an unyielding belief that while winning the game was important, playing  it with enthusiasm, integrity, heart, and honor was the real objective. This is the true  Semper Fi and Michael Landsberry, once a Marine, always a Marine, was its  unwavering example and proud ideal.

 Michael Landsberry, the man who survived war, only to be cut down in the peace  that is no peace.

 This modest and unassuming man was a dedicated and caring leader, his gruff  demeanor fooling absolutely no one. He did his bit... more than his bit, including two  tours in Afghanistan. Thus when the pint-sized angel of death entered Landsberry's  classroom intent on inflicting maximum pain with a gun he had so easily taken from his  parents' house, the good teacher did what he taught others to do... doing the right thing,  the valorous thing, the most perilous and sublime thing; interposing his own body  between gunman and his adolescent targets.

 In this way did Michael Lansberry die in the most righteous fashion of all. Thus was  his bald head, which students loved to touch for luck before a big game, dappled  with the blood of a hero. Thus did the man who posted on his drole website his "one  classroom rule and it is very simple: 'Thou Shall Not Annoy Mr. L' " expire, the most  honorable of men, the noblest of deaths and the most unnecessary for we all know  what needs to be done, don't we, though we seem, from the very White House  itself unable to change courses, to move a single inch towards the necessary solution...

 Thus more children, achingly young, must die tragically... more families must suffer  and grieve their loss through the long days and longer nights... innocence no shield...  the most worthy of professions and the most important of work affording no protection  whatsoever. So much pain is sure to come, the unarguable result of accepting "business  as usual", convinced by naysayers that what is is what must be, despite the little we have  done to solve a problem which was not so very long ago unthinkable, a challenge for the  Great Republic to be sure, but surely not too great for our collective mind and capability.

 Or have we indeed sunk so low that we not only tolerate such a matter but accept it as  given, understandable, unfortunate to be sure, certain, tolerable, tolerated, an occasion  for a president... a governor... a mayor to send a formulaic message and prattle futile  generalities about "an isolated incident", then disengage from the matter as soon as  possible, while everyday people leave teddy bears and home made signs about love  and loss at the death scene, nothing accomplished, absolutely nothing; no progress  made, or even a beneficial discussion about what must be done, at once, with  commitments, not platitudes.

 Thus are we condemned to repeat this maddening process over and over again, less  consideration given to this outrage than to the one before; less consideration given to  the next outrage than to this one, whilst people, good people, die, along with our high  ideals once sacred guidelines for our purposeful endeavors, now flagrant ironies mocking  who we were, who we are, and the widening chasm between these glaring, irreconcilable  realities.

 "I fear I am writing a requiem for myself." Mozart, 1791.

 In such an unsatisfactory, worrisome situation we need hope, we need to believe  that things can be better, that we can make them better. We need Mozart who on the  very threshold of death wrote a stirring tribute to the glory of life and the possibilities  which exist to its very last moment before eternal repose.

 "I fear I am writing a requiem for myself," he wrote as he worked day and night on his  last great labor... and so he was... for himself, for you, for me, and for the victims of  Sparks, especially a hero named Michael Landsberry whose work at its unexpected  conclusion was as tragically incomplete as Mozart's requiem... left for us, the living, to  finish, a matter of the utmost necessity for us and what we owe our honored dead  whose ranks are sure and unnecessarily to grow apace if we fail to act as we have  failed to act for so long.

About the Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is the author of over a dozen business and marketing books, several ebooks, and over one thousand online articles.  Republished with author's permission by Ruthsella Corasol

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The chic elegance and sophistication of marigolds, beloved of the Virgin,their eclat, their unrestrained colors, their militant aspirations, their bitter altercations, their undeniable beauty and ruinous pride.

Author's program note. I noticed them right away, of course. I would. There they  were, a startling and astonishing range of oranges, from burnt to bright, from  brilliant to bombastic, each alluring.

 There was nothing shy or hesitant about their presentation. They stood in pristine  glory before the world with adamant certainty, sure that they would be  noticed,  scrutinized, and inevitably complimented, extolled and desired, found wanting  in absolutely nothing.

 These were the marigolds, lordly flowers indeed, perfection in any bed or border  even when, as here on Waterhouse Street, they had too little space in which to  arrange themselves to their strict, precise standards, impeccable,  daunting for  others, so seemingly effortless for them.

 At last.

 So, the Christian Science church's caretaker had at last taken my advice and bought  a box of these confident flowers... like so many aristocratic ladies in bespoke perfection  posing for the world, sure in every manicured leaf that they were worth your sustained  glance and admiration. That caretaker should have taken my advice earlier, for these  extremely self-assured marigolds were certainly to the manner born. I stepped closer,  bowing low to get a better look.

 The flower bed was instantly on the qui vivre, for what I meant as nothing more than  curiosity, well-bred courtesy, an act of exquisite politesse and gentility, was at once  misinterpreted by the recipients as expected deference and complete adherence, a  partisan... but to whom? About what?

 For now there was pronounced agitation as what had first appeared to be  uniform  gave way to unmistakable faction, turmoil and agitation; what had just a moment ago  been serene and calm was now anything but.

 Petal pandemonium.

 The bed writhed with purposeful activity, as every loyal flower marched to its assigned  station, this moment anticipated, planned for, rehearsed, now executed.  It was a  scene of breathtaking awe... and terrible purpose. The brigades of Tagetes Patula  massed for their high and dire business. Every heart beat fast... the marigolds were  surging now, their colors all unfurled, each row in perfect cadence and array.

 There were tears, of course, how could there not be as kith, kin, friends and neighbors  would be uprooted, perishing along the way, desiccated, withered, radiant no longer,  the more honored, precious withal; jolting evidence of what success entails  ... but  above all there was pride, pulsating, uplifting, the flower of the flower of the Virgin.

 And so the French marigolds, showy, thrilling, sublime, riveting every eye, marched  forward, forward, forward... nothing more perfect and precise ever seen... nothing more  perfect and precise ever desired, the notes of their eerie chant de guerre "Marigold"  (released by Nirvana in 1993 and found in every search engine) floating in the crisp  air of perfect autumn...

 "He's scared 'cause I warned/ He's there in case I want it all/  He's scared 'cause I won."

 Then the celebrated "Six color pictures all in a row/ Of a marigold", pictures  sung about but never shown to or seen by the unworthy and unregenerate.

 Written in 1992 by American rock musician Dave Grohl, it was the only song  released by Nirvana not to include any contribution from frontman Kurt Cobain  (1967-1994). He had demons enough of his own already, and they were already  savoring the fast-evolving catastrophe; "He's there in case I wandered off". He  would need marigolds and the Virgin's comforting touch... but not yet.

 Quo vadis?

 And so the ranks of awe-inspiring marigolds, this time of the French variety,  impressed, dazzled, and caused every life of whatever kind to stop, watch,  and be glad that such a host of puissant warriors was not on this day marching  towards them... determined to achieve this mission, as they have achieved  every such mission down the ages (or so they say, believe and propagate), no  matter the foe, its size, or their numberless ranks.

 The marigolds, you see, are not what you once thought and often said upon seeing  them in the verdant park of some great chateau, "Oh, the little darlings!"; thereby  insulting them and exposing your own expansive ignorance They were neither little  nor darlings... thus making yours a mind and opinion they meant irrevocably to change  this very day, in a shower of their flashy panache.

 Thus they annexed terra firma, inch by inch, until the wide world awoke to  their astonishing presence and what might happen by overlooking Nature's  "little darlings"' and misunderstanding them so.

 And so the marigolds, tireless, determined, resolute, recognizing no obstacle as  even remotely powerful or sufficient to delay their adamant purpose marched on  and on, their chant de guerre known to all and everywhere... for the marigolds  carried nirvana in their stylish kits, never a petal or a stem out of place, certain of  who they were, where they were going, what they must do and the ineluctable  victory and supreme achievement which must be theirs and for all to praise and  forever remember.

 "Welcome to Calendula."

 Then there it was... a giant billboard with this adamant declaration, "Welcome  to Calendula, home of the REAL Marigold. Accept NO substitutions" and a  picture  of the Virgin holding a sprig of Calendula Arvensis, the field marigold; a flower  that looked like a daisy, not at all like the brilliant, ostentatious French marigolds,  their elegant uniforms a la mode designed on the Rue de la Paix.

 These swaggering flowers were now arrayed in their thousands before the great  fields where Calendula Officinalis held sway; the rich flower from which a staggering  number of renowned herbal and cosmetic products named "calendula" (from the Latin,  meaning "little calendar") inevitably derive, each balm to a troubled world; a world  which cannot get enough of this plant, its soothing properties, its gift for uplifting,  refreshing and reviving.

 This is what the world needs; this is what they give the world, all welcome, no one  ever turned away, an unequalled place of empathy, of kindness, of unstinting care,  of tranqulity and unconditional love... except for Tagetes Patula. Tagetes! Their  unqualified Nemesis! Tagetes! Usurper of the very word marigold!

 Tagetes! Insolent! Condescending! A by-word for arrogance! Hubris! Unceasing  disdain! Their greatest and most tenacious foe...  their own cousin, close related,  their very similarity augmenting, fermenting their abiding  contempt for each other. 

 "Hear this, O World. I am the REAL marigold, the one true marigold!" 

 Thus did two great and unreconcilable hosts stand before each other on the plains  of destiny, malice on their minds, mayhem at the ready. "Attention!," said the  resplendent Tagetes officer, his golden epaulettes shining. "Eyes forward!", shouted  his Calendula counterpart. Then both together, "March! Forward march! Engage!  Engage!"

 So in their thousands and their tens of thousands did the magnificent marigolds  move against each other, no parley, no compromise, no moderation possible, risking  absolutely everything for just one word.

 The morning after.

 "Father, father. Look what I have found! I found them at the top of the hill, all  uprooted, their stems cut, leaves covered with dirt. I didn't steal them, I promise.  They are so beautiful."

 The father knew where they had come from and why they were there. "I know you  didn't, son. We shall take these flowers with us to Ganga Ma, Mother Ganges for  each must be cleansed in the perpetual waters beyond time, for even flowers, things  of sacred life and destiny, must have their sins washed away and go pristine into the  great forever."

 Thus as the sun rose, they chanted together "Ganga Mata Ki Jai!" --"Victory to Mother  Ganges!" -- whilst they threw the marigolds into the timeless waters and watched their  unmatched splendor drift away in the muddy eddies, enriched by the ashes of the  faithful and chips of their bones, their undimmed radiance accompanying the dead on  their final journey, amrita, nectar of immortality.     Dedication.

 For Earth maven Patrice Porter, a woman of great heart and tenacious spirit. Here is  your inspiration... build your burgeoning empire upon it, helping all. >From your friend,  the author.

About the Author Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is the author of over a dozen print books, several ebooks, and over one thousand online articles. Republished with author's permission by Ruthsella Corasol

Friday, October 18, 2013

Review: LIVE Home Business Bootcamp with George Kosch, marketing expert on Oct 18, 2013

Review: Home Business Bootcamp Training with George Kosch, Friday Oct 18th, 2013.

George Kosch, bootcamp instructor, welcomed participants to Worldprofit's Home Business Bootcamp.

Theme of today's training: PROMOTION.

Many people new to online marketing, don't understand how much promotion is required to make sales. Newbies are not sure where to promote, what to promote, how often, and are u nsure how to recognize good sources of advertising. George Kosch covered these topics directing  Members to the resources and sections of the Member area that will help you understand online marketing as well as the tools to actually DO the promotion. George demonstrated how to see ALL the bootcamp lessons, to zero in on specific marketing and learning topics. Currently there are 80 lessons plans, many with videos to help you understand important concepts or instruction on use of software. 

What's New.

A new service has been added to the Recommended Traffic Exchange Programs called:  BUILD MY DOWNLINES.

Also recommended, discussed and demonstrated, IBO ToolBox.

Demonstrated Worldprofit Service

The Universal Bonus Builder was released this week. This software allows you to give away FREE ad packages to help you close sales - in any and all your affiliate programs. Offers are what makes sales.  Now Members can use this to do exactly that, create REAL offers with REAL Advertising to close sales. This software, develped by marketing expert George Kosch is valued at nearly $2,000 and is FREE to all Worldprofit Silver and Platinum VIP members.

Suggestions to help your understanding:

1. Watch the Videos created just for Beginners, there are two of them located under the TRAINING section in your Member area. 2. Watch the video of Linda Elze, Top seller, explain what she does to make consistent sales. Quite revealing, and worth watching! The video is located under the TRAINING section in your Member area. You will need to scroll down the page to see it. 3. Dig into the Bootcamp Training lessons. Be realistic and realize it takes time and consistent effort to build a successful online business.

What's coming!

We are working on several new landing pages with embedded video - watch for these in the next few weeks. Also, in development, a unique Landing Page Builder that allows you incredible customization features. Details in coming weeks. Also in the works,integrations for Share it, Google Hangouts, and Facebook.

Summary: The recording of the LIVE Home Business Bootcamp was recorded and will be posted within 48 hours to the Worldprofit Member area, training section.

Worldprofit's next weekly LIVE Home Business Bootcamp presented by George Kosch is Friday Oct 25th, 2013 at 8 AM CT.

Sign up as a free Associate Member to find out how you can get in on this intensive training and start earning from home! This is THE most popular online training program, find out for yourself, sign up is instant. Republished with author's permission by Ruthsella Corasol

Thursday, October 17, 2013

'Now's your inning! Stand the world on its ear! Set it spinning! That'll be just the beginning!' The world's premier success coach tells you how to become obsessed with success... starting right now!

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant.

 Author's program note.  For my entire life, now creeping close to 7 decades,  I have made the study of successful people my metier. I have surrounded myself by  them... scrutinized them (as upclose and personal as possible)... I have dissected,  emulated, researched and dogged their heels the better to understand why some  folks make it, not just having but living their expansive dreams, whilst for others,  the overwhelming majority of others, success is never any closer than a word in  the dictionary, an elusive chimera to be wondered at, never seized or enjoyed.

 Well, the cavalry has just arrived, the heavy guns, the Marines... all wrapped up in  one unstoppable guy with sap to spare; that would be me. You've crossed into  my territory now and here the writ than runs is mine... and its message is clear,  unmistakable, pure, unadulterated: unqualified success is the goal... and your  unqualified attention is absolutely required, every minute you say you want success.  Each word that follows, every sentence will, if followed religiously, advance your  success.

 By the same token, your failure to follow these essential words ensures your success  is diminished, degraded, diluted; not merely lessoned but unachievable.

 Today's music, the sound of success.

 Want to expedite your success? Then use all five senses. See it. Touch it. Taste it.  Smell it... and hear it. For this you need music, bold, audacious, in your face, "lead,  follow, or get out of the way". The music Jule (pronounced Ju-Lee) Styne composed  and for which lyricist extraordinaire Stephen Sondheim worked his magic is what I've  got in mind.

 This song is "Everything's Coming Up Roses" from the 1959 Broadway musical  "Gypsy: A  Musical Fable". This is not merely a song. It is an acute, strident, even  chilling declaration about what success entails, costs, and what you must do  including the obsessive megalomania that is so very much a part of the upward trajectory.

 The song was originally written for Ethel Merman (1908-1984). Both Styne and Songheim,  while recognizing Merman's vocal power and range had doubts about her for this number.  After all, she had risen to stardom via Cole Porter's smooth, glib, witty, sophisticated  genius.

 Porter (1891-1964) was the petted heir to a multi-million dollar fortune from Miles  Laboratories. He never had to work; never wanted for money, for anything. Every time  America belched and took an Alka-Seltzer Porter's net worth increased. Thus Porter's  sophisticated genius, realized by Merman, enlivened the Roaring Twenties parties of  the night  before, whilst the tablets they took the morning after made him richer and  richer still.

 His songs, therefore, were chic,clever, delightful, delicious, delectable, delovely... but  that was not what Styne and Songheim wanted from Merman's rendition of Mama Rose,  and they were afraid she could not rise to the occasion which called for the singer to  deliver the smell of rancid sweat, gnawing hunger, bills not paid, midnight despair, anxieties  galore and profound fears... and from these unlikely, even toxic ingredients produce a  bona fide anthem to soaring, glorious, success and all the sacrificing it took to get it.

 Go now to any search engine and play Merman's triumphant rendition... particularly in  the half dozen lines at the end of this masterpiece; "Everything's coming up roses and  daffodils:..". Play this song when you want the authentic sound of success. You'll hear  just what you must do. Are you ready to get started?

 Mirror, mirror...

 Look at yourself in the looking glass. Put that face you think you know so well under the  most precise and unrelenting of microscopes. Then ask yourself this absolutely  essential question: Do you look like a success?

 Successful people have a look, an aura, that unmistakable je ne sais quoi that so clearly  indicates that they are in possession of a vital insight that you probably don't have -- yet.  This insight is a cocktail of key ingredients, each one necessary, none expendable..   Look in the mirror now to see what you're working with.

 Do you look alive? Do you look confident? Do you look like someone who projects  a "can-do" aura? Or do you look like someone who's let himself go... someone who  would rather be in bed... someone who gave up on life's struggles long ago and is  now hoping for nothing more than to get by in reasonable comfort and privacy before  the Grim Reaper claims your hide?

 Successful people do not merely live life. They are engaged with life, fully aware that  life is a thing of short duration, pitfalls, crises, catastrophes, set backs, obstacles,  misjudgments, miscalculations, and painful errors of every size and variety. Successful  people understand that these things, despite the best and most thorough preparation  will happen. Because they expect them, they are not unhinged by them. Rather they look  at each such event as an inevitability... a problem to be solved... an opportunity to show  what you've learned and apply it promptly to minimize damage and return to the serious  business of success, more experienced, tougher, and street smart than ever. In short,  lemons into the pinkest of lemonades.


 Unless you intend to be the popinjay on fashion's run-way, a certifiable clothes horse  where every thread is examined, evaluated, critiqued, ridiculed, catty comments twelve  for a penny, clothes must assist in making the necessary statement of who you are  and should never, ever be the statement.  In other words clothes at all times must  be subservient to the overall effect, never the focus. With this in mind, have you checked  your basic wardrobe lately?

 Here's a hint. In one of Agatha Christie's novels, the solution to the crime hinges on  the lady's fashion insight. One suspect dresses to kill, the flashiest of ensembles,  while the second wears clothes a trifle thread-bare and past their prime.The deduction?  Miss Marple could tell from the cut who was the gentleman (and hence less likely to  murder in those distant days), and who wasn't.

 In short it is not the age of the clothes or their pretensions to being a la mode. Rather,  it is the look that is everything... and that look should never scream... but rather project  the aura of quiet confidence and absolute assurance. Does yours?

 The essential people.

 We have now arrived at the most important thing it takes to be successful... and that  is a resolute, honest, hard-working team of people who look out for you, in every and  any way. This will include but not be restricted to health and wellness mavens, keeping  you physically (and mentally) at the peak of perfection; investment counselors; personal  assistants, bookkeepers and accountants, lawyers, the experts who advise on what  pictures you buy and the wizard who has always helped you select just the right  diamonds when, like Holly Golightly, you had only the toy from a box of Cracker  Jack to engrave.

 These are the people, each one both essential to your success and reflecting the  degree to which you have achieved it, who ensure you reach it and ensure you  keep it. How many of these key personnel do you have? The extent to which you  do everything yourself is the discernible measure of how far from success you still  remain.

 99% say NO, and I'm thriiled; a cautionary  tale.

 Years ago, I owned the largest advertising card deck in the world. Each quarterly  edition went to 100,000 people. Of these up to 99% would throw it away upon receipt.  That's right 99%! But the key is not all the people who didn't respond, but the 1% who  did. From those 1000 people every 90 days, I quickly, inevitably became not just a  millionaire, but a multi-millionaire. I called myself the "most rejected man in America."...  and the happiest. Get the point? Each rejection, yes every one, moves you measurably  closer to the next acceptance and the success it has brought closer.

 This, then, is the question: how many times have you been rejected today, yesterday,  the day before that, because if you are not being rejected, you cannot be accepted and  thus your failure is inevitable?

 Thus, when you've finished this article risk rejection, by a business prospect, by a  supplier where you want better terms, by a company you'd like to work for. This can be  daunting, difficult, demanding poise, confidence, and grit.

 It also happens it is the only guaranteed way to succeed. Capisce?

About the Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is the author of over a dozen publications also several ebooks and over one thousand online articles. Republished with author's permission by Ruthsella Corasol

Monday, October 14, 2013

Good boy! Bad book! Thoughts on Larry DiCara, his antiseptic memoir, and what it takes to arrest the attention of the world and gain eternity with words you just can't put down.

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant.

 Author's program note. I think I should tell you. I've known the subject of this article  for donkey's years and never was heard a discouraging word and the skies were not  cloudy all day... until now.

 For now I am going to try even Larry's legendary patience and good nature...   by giving him blunt advice about his new 219 page book "Turmoil and Transition  in Boston: A Political Memoir From the Busing Era" (Hamilton Books) . It is the advice  his editor should have given him... that is if that editor wanted to sell books and make  the always personable DiCara what he never was, the toast of tout le monde and  especially denizens of the great city he has known, loved, served.... and now  unforgivably bored, the greatest sin in publishing (or in any relationship of love.)

 For love can be cruel, bitter, double-dealing, tumultuous, soaring, lyric, bathetic,  tearful, vengeful, ennobling but it must never ever be dull, taken for granted, as  comfy and predictable as an old shoe.

 Upon this immutable rock any number of "good" relationships has foundered....  for the human animal craves excitement in its enthralling amours, ardor, coy fig  leaves removed, roller coasters that scare us witless, take our breath  away and  leave us gasping and in awe, begging for more.

 Alas and alack, none of this satisfying froth not a sentence, not a single word is to  be found in these arid pages... and thus readers will punish poor old Larry by  doing the most hurtful thing they can do to any pedestrian author... the coup de grace  by ignoring him, his words already providing more (unnecessary) detritus at the very  bottom of the slough of despond. And there is nothing sadder and more terminal than  that as Larry has now come, too late to know.

 Determining which book to write.

 People who will never write a book are prone to crow about the book they could  write... if only they condescended to write it. "Yeah, I could write a book about  my life," they brag... but fortunately never do since even the most riveting of  lives can pall if the presentation is wrong... as it most assuredly is here.

 In a nutshell here is what DiCara's book is about... a once great city, mired  in economic miasma, burdened by searing racial hatreds, its bus-riding children  used as political pawns by all, erupts into violence, rage, bitter enmities with the  worst aspects of humanity on display for all the world to see. The city on the  hill indeed...the progressive values of liberal revolution mocked, deep beliefs  deeply held, viciously ridiculed; the incense of hypocrisy wafted by every  sanctimonious, self-serving statement, in time for the 5 p.m. news.

 It was a bloody and abusive struggle, a struggle that exhibited the worst... and the  best... of us... again testing the depths to which humanity so often descends...  and the heights to which good men and women might ascend, once they decide  to confront the evil that would otherwise prevail.

 Larry has taken this cauldron of possibilities, boiled away each and every aspect  of appalling fascination, ensured that not a scintilla beyond dry fact remains...  and presented this to a world that is justifiably dismissive. As author Gertrude  Stein,herself a citizen of Harvard, of Boston who yet memorably rose to speak to  and confront the wider world, said, "There is no there there." It is a judgement of  discernment... and unanswerable finality.

 DiCara, hapless executioner.

 Memoirs, the most personal of histories, must titillate, amuse, astonish, reveal,  astound, bewilder, boggle, confound, daze, dumfound, flabbergast, overwhelm,  shock, startle, stun, stupefy, surprise, floor, stagger, blow away, bowl over and  otherwise capture the reader and his full attention. DiCara's memoirs do none of  these things, thereby diminishing the story and its potential impact at every turn of  the tale. Consider this.

 During the '70s, the years principally covered in this book, Boston's schools and  the children and young adults within them were the targets, the prizes to be won  (or lost) as your side advanced (or didn't).  DiCara, here handicapped by the fact  that he's an attorney with the attorney's almost manic determination to write facts  and nothing more, makes a positive fetish out of removing every single feature  of potential interest, leaving behind nothing but the facts. These, however, no  doubt accurate and necessary, a helluva lot of work in the discovery, organizing,  and presentation, are, after DiCara's dedicated desiccation, nothing more than  husks, every drop of interest gone, gone, irrevocably gone.

 Larry, of course, whose term papers at Harvard were always in on time, always  followed the instructor's wishes and admonitions to the letter, and never, ever  let the sordid business of creativity interfere with the high matter of getting an "A";  Larry, I say, will no doubt fight this charge with tenacious logic and a willingness to  cut the kinds of deals attorneys do.

 But that won't wash here, for you see he is, pure and simple, an immaculately  dressed, sonorously intoning, paid by the hour executioner. A pithy anecdote, a  trenchant observation, even a single kiss, enjoyed (or not) at the time, rendered  with wit and indiscretion for the ages, would have shown him the way and put him  on the Via Appia towards the goal he most desires and cannot get here, hordes of  book-buying, book-reading folk, beloved of every author, good, bad, or indifferent.

 Someone should have told him books on urban sociology never sell, not even  when the author is and always has been the single best boy on our often scoffing  planet. Oh, Larry, why didn't you call me before penning a single disabling word?  You had a handful of trumps and threw them all away. See for yourself...


 It is now time for you to learn just what Larry DiCara did that made a good  book possible. In 1971 he became Boston's youngest city councillor. Aged just 22,  fresh out of Harvard, he won a startling 61,000 votes and immediately became  that hottest of properties, the coming man, the proven vote getter, the man who  could be, given Boston's notorious political history and environment, a credible  candidate for any office in the land, an eye always cocked on the White House  itself.

 It was thrilling, a dream come true, "Hail to the Chief" and all that rattling around  in the capacious brain; for though the man was physically shorter than most...  what he wanted and worked strenuously to get was gigantic.

 But there was one problem. He not only had to keep winning. He had to keep  astonishing the local politicians and community leaders who were quick to pick  up "His excellency, the next governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts"...  and faster still to discard a talent once red-hot and scintillating, the stuff of history,  now shopworn and fading. It wasn't just a tall order; it was virtually impossible given  the toxic environment, for the minute you said "busing is good" you lost half the  electorate, and vice versa. He could (and did) get re-elected, even rising to the  eminence of president of the city council, but the dazzle factor, so heady, so  inspiring, so satisfying, died early and forever.

 It was the devil's own conundrum and through the short office-holding years ahead  DiCara never solved it. Thus his career was literally thrown under a bus... leaving him  forever tainted; the most amiable of men with charm to burn trapped between Olympic  level haters on the one hand, vulgar disdain their specialty, and social activists on the  other;  the kind of people who love humanity and despise people. It was inhospitable,  punishing territory for Larry whose desire to be loved (not just liked) by everyone is  obvious from the first page of his book, palpable, and more than a little sad.

 It is this all-important aspect that makes writing a truly great and rollicking book out  of the question. You cannot tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth and  please all the people you write about. God has not yet delivered the ingenious author  who can pull that off... and DiCara isn't even close. Thus to please he must delete  everything that would even remotely disquiet, irritate or anger. And because he  has been completely successful in this particular, his book was DOA.

 No kiss, nothing to tell. Geraldine Ferraro et al.

 Memoirs, of course, must be strewn with names, lots of names, important names.  Here Larry got it right.  He's got names alright, but tells us absolutely nothing of  interest about any of them. Geraldine Ferraro, in 1984 the first major party female  vice presidential candidate, visits his home. This is what he says about this famously  indiscrete, voluble woman; she was "delighted to be back in a neighborhood that  reminded her of her own District in New York." That's it, there ain't no more; an  opportunity not merely forever lost but as clear an indication as possible why.

 What about his mentor Michael S. Dukakis, former Massachusetts governor and  1988 Democratic presidential candidate; the man who asked him to be his lieutenant  governor? "On paper, Michael and I were not terribly different, though he was older than  I. We shared ethnic backgrounds, progressive views, and a great education." That  is Larry's vapid take on the man who, with just a few more votes, would have been  the most powerful person on Earth. There was well and truly no there there.  And it wasn't because he lacked for models.

 There is "Kell" (1977) by Jack Flannery; "Mackerell by Moonlight" (1999) by William  Weld. And, of course, the big daddy of the genre, Edwin O'Connor's classic novel  "The Last Hurrah" (1956), which Larry admits was "well-thumbed" by him; well-thumbed  perhaps but not remotely understood.

 These authors, each a seasoned, sarcastic, political game loving maven, with scores  to pay off as cleverly and painfully as possible, fought for our attention just as they had  once fought for our votes and the spoils and deference only winning brings. Why didn't  DiCara follow their proven path? Easy. He didn't want to tread on the toes of anyone,  lest they withheld their admiration and love. And so one of the best of boys penned  one of the worst of books in which he did the unimaginable, rendering Boston's  "take no prisoners" politics, messy, murderous, mesmerizing, as dull as Orlando's.  For this there is no pardon possible, no pardon at all.

 But there is a tune, a song Larry surely knows. It's "More Than a Feeling". It took  an excruciating five years for writer Tom Scholz to complete and was recorded by  his band Boston in 1976, Larry's heyday. Find it now in any search engine and hear  these apposite words,

 "So many people have come and gone/ Their faces fade as the years go by/  Yet I still recall as I wander on/ As clear as the sun in the summer sky."

 All Larry had to do was tell their stories as exuberantly as they had lived them  and he would have had the resounding succes de scandale, the succes d'estime  he has always craved. 

 Oh, Larry, why didn't you call me....?

About the Author

About the Author Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is the author of several print books, e-books and over one thousand online articles. Republished with author's permission by Ruthsella Corasol

Thursday, October 10, 2013

The temple. A true story. 'Wash the poison from off my skin./ Show me how to be whole again.'

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant.

 Author's program note.  It seems to me it started the day an enquiring officer  in the Dutchess County Police Department called me to ask if I still had "the box".  I knew, of course, which box he was interested in. It was the one arch murderer  James Nichols had sent me, arriving just after his death; the box containing the  key and directions to over $5 million in rare jewels, a magnificent trove with which  this precise, punctilious executioner wanted to control me from beyond the grave.

 If that was his goal... it worked, for once this story was published (,  instantly going viral, my life has not been my own; interrupted as it is by amateur sleuths everywhere and would-be heirs worldwide, who never thought much of Aunt Millie,  never bothered to talk to her until she muttered something about a huge fortune hitherto  unknown, handing them an unmarked key at the moment of her celestial  elevation.  Thus did her last joke lift her with posthumous glee, the time we most need it, for she  had not left them a penny. She knew it, and so did I. Why didn't her deluded kin?  The secret to every confidence person's success is that "they" never do.

 More importantly my story also stimulated the police to contact me and see what I  knew about Joanne Nichols' nondescript life, gruesome death, and the confession  her husband, the man who snuffed her, had written for and sent to me.

 "You're a great crime writer, Dr. Lant," the officer said. I told him I was thrilled to hear  it, ecstatic to learn he and his colleagues benefited from my reconstruction of  the biggest murder case ever to hit sleepy Poughkeepsie, startling its law-abiding  citizens, the people who suppose nothing like murdering your wife and burying  her in the basement (for over 20 years no less!) could happen in their well-ordered  community where people tend their lawns in glacial silence and lead their lives  of quiet desperation, without annoying odors, religious ardors, or exotic, spitting  reptiles (which might so easily escape) in the sitting room.

 But the things I know, have seen, and which give me the most lurid dreams at midnight can, in fact, take place on streets just as serene as mine... and yours.  This story, every word God's honest truth, proves that. I'm sharing it with you  because in my (now) glass house I can't get to sleep anymore without all the lights  lit. It seems to help a little...

 Another ordinary looking package.

 I am by now not only the longest dwelling resident in this condominium complex  of some 90 units just outside Harvard Square; I am also the most well known,  even notorious, though many other authors have lived here. The environment, in  fact, is thick with words, resonant conclusions, declarations ardently made, more  ardently defended, and compelling language that can, from time to time, mimic my  unique style, but never reaches, much less exceeds the lyric voice which is mine  alone. I say this as a matter of fact, hubris having no part of this conclusion.

 However, for whatever the reason, my neighbors are inquisitive to a degree.  Because I never knowingly provide them with any actual facts beyond a carefully  calibrated, restrained hello, their interest waxes, never wanes. And so I catch them  in acts raising suspicion, acts of dubious propriety; like the one which delivered the  first important evidence in this case.

 The ornate, grandiose knocker rang out sharply against the thick vermillion door.  Then rang out sharply again. I opened to find the building's most incessant gossip,  Minnie Stevens, who would later tell every eager ear, "It seemed like an ordinary  package. Dr. Lant gets a lot of them, I can tell you." "Did you shake it, Minnie, or hold  it up to the skylight in the corridor?" "Certainly not, I wouldn't do that!" But of course  she did. I saw her do it through the peep hole. One can only be a successful  gossip, if one is an accomplished liar.She didn't even look sheepish when  I opened the door, no surprise at all. Superbe. "I saw this package for you, Dr.  Lant." Even incorrigible Minnie wouldn't have touched it if she'd known what was  inside... neither would I...if only I had known.... My thanks were frigid, but correct.  It is the only way to handle the canaille.

 The contents.

 These days I have a system for the (too) many packages delivered to me. Upon  arrival they are scrutinized for all details, all such being entered in a computer  log. Anything suspicious is turned over to police who are always very interested  in what is happening chez moi. Like I said, I am the man who lives in  the glass  house, or in my case, castle.

 In this matter, there were three important pieces of evidence: the (inevitable) letter  to me from the sender, a pair of spectacles, and what proved to be the music from  a tune written and produced in 2013 by a group named Linkin Park. Its name, "Castle  of Glass". If you are over 45, say, you have heard of neither which is the truest of  signs that you are getting older, older.  But I was now intrigued...

 I like to see all the evidence at one glance. Thus, I  make frequent use of my  1900 pounds of aurora quartzite counter tops. They cost the Earth for this stone  is breathtaking and rare, the result of an unknown (to me) number of things that Nature  must do absolutely right to produce it. It is here that I stand to examine just what people  think important enough to share with me, most times to be told that what they have  presented is of the most narrow and picayune interest, not worth my time. But this  was most assuredly not the case here.

 The Letter.

 Dear Dr. Lant, Prince of Tornavan.

 I feel sure, knowing you as I do, that this letter will elicit the greatest possible  attention from you, for yes I know you, though you would never identify  me even  if we sat next to each other at the cinema, although I know you have not been to  one in years. You may well wonder, then, where my detailed and accurate  information about you comes from. In a word, from you yourself.

 Many years ago now, I was assigned by my Master to analyze your every  word, every sentence, every page you ever wrote, from articles, from books.  You will wonder why this scrupulous attention was given to your every utterance,  work, thought, but first I wish to tell you, as one keen and diligent researcher to another,  how thorough my work has been. I am just the kind of student you have always  wanted and never (by your own admission) had, one of the greatest disappointments  of your illustrious life.

 The Master's interest in you began when He (for all things originate with The  Master) read one of the many articles you have written which takes a familiar  saying or long-time belief and rips it to shreds, replacing it with a higher verity  and greater insight into the human condition. I don't mind telling you that these  articles and their bold, audacious and witty conclusions are highly prized in  our land where you are regarded as a true savant. But enough flattery...

 In one particular article you savaged the idea, "You can't take it with you." You  asserted (and rightly so) that what makes homo sapiens sapient is not the  possessions they must leave behind at their passing, but the little gray cells  in their billions which each of the newly deceased takes with them to the grave  or crematorium, in each case assuredly taking with them that which made them  human... and could still be used by the living, if and only if, they could discover a  way to preserve this, the true wealth and touchstone of your species.

 Stimulated by your essential insight, so characteristic of your work, The Master,  whom all venerate and obey, appointed a team of our most rigorous scientists  to ascertain how we might profit from your brilliant deduction and so recover for  our high labors a veritably unlimited source of unused brain cells. I feel sure, Prince,  (for we honor your ancient nobility) you are now entirely caught up in my tale.

 I shall not bore you with the elegant work of this commission of renowned  scientists. I know you call the hard sciences hard indeed, and I believe I am  correct in saying you have neither the aptitude for or the interest in the recondite  details of such disciplines. Thus, I shall focus instead on the conclusions and  recommendations from the commission. These after all will have the greatest  impact on you and your species.

 It was unanimously concluded that the cells carried by the dead have a limited  shelf life and that a better way must be found for gathering living cells than doing  so from the moment of death, though until this superior way be found and fully  implemented it might be used.

 After much discussion and research on cells taken from humans dead at  various intervals and those still very much alive (including yours truly) it was  decided harvesting cells must be done exclusively from living humans, but  how? The clever work of The Master's scientific servants give ample proof as  to why in the end The Master must prevail, Holy Be His Name.

 Now take the spectacles in the box and follow along as I reveal to you  the most profound development in the entire history of "your" planet and species,  for it is not too much to say the new regime is nigh and that all life is on the threshold  of a glorious future.

 With consummate skill and astonishing precision, we created within the design of  a pair of spectacles the means to rule Earth without a gun fired, a chemical weapon  launched or any bomb at all. These are the clumsy manifestations of your species,  dear Doctor Lant. We want the Earth intact, not a miserable shambles. Thus, as you  must surely see, what we are about is for your benefit as well as The Master's, whom  all celebrate. It is now my distinct and historic privilege to give you the tour, sparring you  the brilliant science which produced it and focusing solely on results; just the way  you like.

 As you see from the sample spectacles in the box, the temple on your eye glasses is  linked to the hinge via a screw. This screw, once twisted, gives entry to the most  advanced mining activity, advanced even beyond imagination. What is being mined,  of course, are the hitherto wasted human brain sells in their trillions, the most valuable  thing on Earth, a thing beyond riches, but which your species has been unable to  harvest, a triumph left for the All-Highest Master, in whose greatness the future resides.

 But now the piece de resistance, for the acme of this achievement is demonstrated  not so much by how the cells are accessed, harvested, and transported to our  astonishing storage, research and development facilities, but how we have used your  species itself to assist our advance without, until now, any one being the wiser....  How was this done? How was this great organizing deed so expertly accomplished?  You, honored sir, will be glad to learn... for this magnificent development owes everything  to one of your great articles at, specifically to your splendid  article on the power of free offers. Even The Master, humble despite his omniscience,  insisted upon your recognition.

 Using the power of the Internet, we offered FREE spectacles to the world, and the  greedy, bargain-hunting, "something for nothing" everyday folks of Planet Earth  responded. And so something as simple and motivating became the proven method  of The Master's conquest, for once the customer put on the spectacles, the harvesting  process began and continued. Needless to say a certificate was included in case  replacement was needed. There was also a special free gift if you turned a friend on  to this amazing free offer. Again, dear Dr. Lant, we thank you for the necessary insight  which has thus changed the world.

 Now, at The Master's express command and as a token of His grateful appreciation,  He wishes you to glimpse the profound and certain consequences of this awe-inspiring  development. We are at work now on cures for every disease, at the solution to every  medical conundrum which your kind has failed to solve, the total eradication of  every pain, every infirmity, every imperfection in the species. Pure, perfect and eternal  health will be the first boon to your species and its newly perfect and everlasting  salubrious environment.

 But there is more, much more; (you see your marketing expertise here, sir) for from  what homo sapiens, your quarreling, bellicose, unwilling to work together and stop  killing each other species, throw away we will build nothing less than perfection.

 Of course, there will be opposition from some. People being people are short-sighted,  lazy, preferring the filth and pronounced limitations of their own kind to any advance.  These will be eradicated, as quickly, completely, efficiently, and  humanely as possible.  Their "rights" are as nothing to the greater good their insulting presence obstructs.     The Master's Proposal

 Now, honored sir, the reason I am writing you, for you have been selected by The  Master not merely to write History, but to make it. You are herewith invited to  write the declaration to the human race to lay down their futile, continuous,  destructive, and altogether self-defeating, pointless, and ineffectual battles and to  adhere to The Master and His unalloyed benevolence.

 You, master yourself of the lyric words, the power of words in every fiber of your being,  have but to undertake this transformational assignment for the world to take notice. And  so, on behalf of struggling humanity which has only to abjure its negligent and futile ways,  only give up its long outmoded and impossible "freedom", "liberty", "self-government, thus  to grasp its greater future as subjects of The Master, I deliver this missive. Do you accept  your glorious task and future, whilst always remembering that he who does not acknowledge  The Master stands against Him and will find punishment swift, total, complete, unavailing, exquisite, excruciating. We anticipate your immediate acquiescence and acceptance.

 The last thing in the box.

 I was now on the horns of the greatest dilemma of my life, either to accept  The Master's invitation, thereafter to live a privileged life in the new order, or  to fight to retain humanity in its imperfections. It was Hobson's Choice indeed  and much more than my own precious life depended on what I did. While I  struggled, I heard Minnie Steven's voice outside my door, "Look," she was saying.  "My free glasses just arrived. Yes, free! How do I look? Would you like me to get  you a free pair? They've given me lots of free coupons and entered me in a  contest with over 100 million dollars in prizes." And so it began...

 "Castle of glass."

 I sank under the burden of  the decision I must reach, and as I deliberated the  deadline came nearer and nearer still. The options were clear; my mind was not.  Then I remembered the third thing in the box and snatched it up avidly hoping it  would help. There it was... a DVD recording of "Castle of Glass" by Linkin Park  with the lyrics printed.  It was marked "For immediate action". (Author's note: if  you don't happen to have this historic recording, go to any search engine now and  listen to it carefully.)

 Its music was soaring, bombastic, apocalyptic, challenging; the words at once lyric,  haunting, cryptic as poems so often are.

 "Take me down to the river bend/Take me down to the fighting end/  Wash the poison from off my skin/ Show me how to be whole again.../  Cause I'm only a crack in this castle of glass/  Hardly anything there for you to see...."

 Then these words marked in red,

 Bring me home in a blinding dream/ Through the secrets that I  have seen"

 and in the smallest possible handwriting just one word, "Nemo".  Perplexing.  Confusing. Deeply frustrating as even the clearest of puzzles can be. Then...  eurika, I began to unravel this high secret.

 Nemo was the name taken by Odysseus after he blinded Polyphemus, Poseidon's  son. It means "no one"... and the entire future of the human race now depended  on how I interpreted this single word which came out of nowhere like a message  in a bottle. And it must be done at once, to meet The Master's adamant deadline,  for he is quite obviously a stickler for no-nonsense obedience.

 Thus I worked through the night, one clue after another laboriously identified until I  knew. The words in red were a warning from a friend, perhaps a friend already  exquisitely exterminated. What he was saying was that The Master, spectacles  his preeminent symbol, was blind, a man who did not see, either figuratively or  actually blind, either way unseeing.

 And so as the sun rose on the day of destiny, I faced my two choices -- comfort  and honor from The Master and his growing number of followers or total convulsion,  possible, even likely capture, torment and horrid death, no honor at all... and I knew  what I must do, what I must say...

 "Fellow Earth travelers, I write to you at a moment of infinite peril for our species...  your immediate action is required...."

 The words flowed hard and fast until I at last finished. The knock on the door was  insistent. It was Minnie Stevens and she virtually shouted her message, "The Master  has come for your answer, Dr. Lant. The Master has come."

About the Author Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is the author of over a dozen print books, several ebooks and over one thousand online articles. Republished with author's permission by Ruthsella Corasol

Saturday, October 5, 2013

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Worldprofit - Home Business Training and Earn-At-Home Systems. Now entering our 20th year in business! Thank you for helping to make Worldprofit the #1 choice for online earn at home training. Republished with author's permission by Ruthsella Corasol


Rochus Misch; guard for Hitler saw fuehrer's last hours, dead at 96, September 5, 2013. 'There are none so blind as those who will not see'.

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant.

 Author's program note. Another minion of the unmitigated evil now only known ironically  as the Thousand Year Reich has expired, full of years and blessed, so it seems,  by the absence of ghosts, demons, guilt or shame... or even significant recall  or remembrance. And as for remorse ...

 Thus his story becomes a cautionary tale, its immediate protagonist the most  apt representation of the original since John Heywood brought forth in 1546 the  celebrated words; the actuality, of course, having been known to discerning people  since such people first existed. (Sadly, just when that moment occurred no two people  agree.)

 The problem with Nazis...

 As the last living Nazis and their still extant (if muted and arthritic) sympathizers  approach their century, it is now predictable to hear certain "truths" about them  and the entire, antiquated apparatus of their gimcrack imperium. First and always,  that these are the oldest of folks far beyond their youthful hatreds. This is the  "why bother with these tabbies?" position adopted by those who in their salad  days unrelentingly pursued their quarry even into concentration camps and the  fearsome (and always spotlessly clean and gleaming) paraphernalia of organized  extermination.

 There was nothing casual about these representatives of the reprehensible regime...  and it is therefore only fitting and proper that there be nothing casual about the matter  of the process that finds, apprehends and punishes them. "Blessed are the  merciful for they will obtain mercy"... but there are no such people here.

 "I knew nothing."

 If you have ever entered an inhabited elevator, you know this excuse for in  this common, trivial event you may easily see its grander manifestation: you  move away from the canaille, as far away as you can get in the small space,  contained and swiftly moving.

 You avoid looking at your fellow travelers, much less offering any but the most  cursory of greetings; such contacts, after all, may mature beyond inconvenience,  and that will never do. Thus, eyes are instantly cast down, nothing seen, nothing  known, absolutely nothing admitted.

 The "shame" here is not that you have done anything wrong but that your fellow  denizens have; for their very presence is affronting and downcast eyes are sign  enough that you are right to shun them... thus if the elevator decapitates them at  journey's end, you can comfortably scurry away... for though you saw all, your  official position is adamantly the reverse.    "I was only following orders."

 Here is the most popular, the most frequently used and the most insidious  response; its defenders insisting it is not an excuse but a thorough and complete  explanation for "common" people in all times and places who secretly are in  solidarity with anyone oppressed but cannot say so, much less do so. "Sorry  about that, I'm sure  you understand", being the preferred words to discourage  any further mention of this awkward matter.

 The problem is that this line of explanation is understandable, one we might well  offer ourselves under the right circumstances. Opposition, even in the most  rooted and pacific of democracies, can be difficult, strenuous, even a risk, for  when you pipe up and oppose, even amongst the most civilized of people, you  invite the inevitable and often hilariously inadequate opposing "thought", up to  and including verbal abuse and physical violence . This inevitably discourages  many and thereby thins their otherwise noisome numbers.

 However, though this explanation is popular and sanctified by frequent usage,  it fails to satisfy. It will perhaps save your (and my) precious skin at a moment of  danger, trepidation and the full panoply of pain and retribution... but it will never  satisfy the moral man, that inconvenient being who uncomfortably resides in  each of us, insistently reminding us all that we each  bear our share of good and  evil and that we are required per the management to bear witness one way or  the other to what we did and didn't do. In that spirit, it is time for you to meet  Rochus Misch, soldier of the Third Reich, bodyguard to its fuehrer, the man  who saw everything and perceived nothing.

 "I have nothing."

 Born in the Silesian village of Alt Schalkowitz in what is today Poland, Misch  was orphaned at an early age. Thus, shiftless, no family or relatives to assist,  friendships precluded because of his rootless situation, he was just the person  Hitler's SS was looking for, the committed follower who would believe what he  was told was true, and would do whatever he was told to do. Such people are  always dangerous... and are always useful to have around.

 Whitney Houston in her mesmerizing "The Bodyguard" album (1992) might have  been singing for der fuehrer himself and his unbeatable pitch to people like Misch  where in the opening lines to "I Have Nothing" she caught the essence of Nazi  (or any other terrorist)  proselytizing. Go to any search engine and listen to  this tune now. And know this: Hitler was as effective, as spell binding, as  enthralling a speaker and propagandist as Houston was a singer.    "Share my life, take me for what I am/ 'cause I'll never change all my colors for you/  Take my love, I'll never ask for much/ Just all that you are and everything that you do."

 And the needy, aspiring, leaderless Misch sings back

 "Don't make me close one more door/ I don't wanna hurt anymore" and on this  mutually fulfilling basis, they cut the great deal that provides Hitler with another  absolutely loyal follower and Misch a hero to believe in and dedicate his  hitherto empty and pathetic life to... right up to and including the last day of  his long life, just the other day.

 This story of master and abject follower might easily have gone untold, so  common is it in its essentials but two things happened to lift it from obscurity  to fascinating, enigmatic prominence. On September 1,1939 Hitler invaded  Poland. Misch was among the forward troops. While arranging for the surrender  of a fort near Warsaw he was seriously injured.

 Sent back to Germany, he was in May 1940 selected as one of just two SS men  to be Hitler's personal bodyguard and personal assistant, his life now lived in the  closest proximity to the arbiter of life or death for millions worldwide. Here the story  evolves to something of the most importance, the greatest possible interest, one  that baffles, perplexes, confounds... but not for the reason you may suppose, not  that is for what Misch knew and confided to the ages... but rather, paradoxically, for  what he failed to know, never wanted to know and thus could not tell.

 "A very normal  man."

 For people like me, people interested in historical truth, Misch's very name  produces acute indignation and disgust, so close to power, so unable to see  its manifestations, people, uses, events. How one longs for one of the great  diarists of history... eyes that would see more in Hitler than "the boss", "a very  normal man", a judgement of breathtaking insipidity, so monumentally wrong,  as to generate immediate contempt in place of insight. Misch, however, is  adamant... "He was no brute. He was no monster. He was no superman."                   How could he be so astonishingly imperceptive, seeing neither forest nor trees?

 Here we see Hitler's genius at work, for genius he was, though of dark powers  and darker deeds. A more perceptive man, distinguished by acuity and discernment  would not have suited der fuehrer at all... someone who saw him as the German  equivalent of Dale Carnegie able to make friends and influence people did the  job nicely... and, for the nonce, saved Misch's life over and over again. Hitler  didn't order his immediate execution when he discovered Misch's biographical  notes and materials, for there were no such notes and materials, at any time.

 He was not shot by the Gestapo, as he thought he might be, because he had  witnessed the events surrounding the suicides of Eva Braun, who became Mrs.  Adolph as the vengeful Russians raced to capture Berlin, her face blue from  ingesting cyanide and her groom, shot with his own gun, slumped over, blood  dripping out of the right temple, both now ready to be burned and so be spared the  humiliations visited upon il duce and his mistress by a people expert in indignities  and eager to demonstrate their crude ingenuity.

 Finally, he was not shot by the Russians who captured him and after the German  surrender May 7, 1945, sent him to Russia. He returned to Berlin in 1954, alive,  the man at the center of power who was simply beneath anyone's notice, not  worth the trouble of killing. There he reunited with his wife, whom he had married  in 1942. Two survivors, their very ordinariness more protection than armor, perhaps  the luckiest couple on Earth. Together they opened a small shop, where each day  they forgot a little more... and lived another day in an obscurity richly earned and  deserved; cheating all of us and history, too... but alive.   

About the Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is the author of over a dozen printed books, several ebooks, and over one thousand online articles. Republished with author's permission by Ruthsella Corasol

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Interview with George Kosch: How does Worldprofit help people in OTHER opportunities and affiliate programs build their online business?

I sat down today for an interview with George Kosch, co-founder and Technical Director at Worldprofit Inc. 

George Kosch is one of those refreshingly down-to-earth techies that doesn't speak above your head. He's a gifted programmer and for the last twenty years has been the technical visionary that has created the platform for all Worldprofit products and services.  Worldprofit provides training, support and unique proprietary software to help people work and profit from home using the power of the internet.

Question: George, Worldprofit offers a Reseller program called a Dealership, that allows people to earn income by promoting your company's services but how can Worldprofit help those who have their own programs, affiliates and business opportunities already?

Says George:  'Some people come to Worldprofit looking to make money online and have nothing to sell, so we provide hundreds of recommended trusted products and services that can be sold and delivered online. Others come to Worldprofit and they're already involved in any number of online affiliate programs. They have something to sell, they just don't  have any idea how to do that. Or they have tried and not had any success or earnings to show for it.

So first we teach people how to promote.  Online marketing is new to most people. Most have no idea where to start, what to promote, where to promote and what you have to do to get results.

We offer an online training program, called our Home Business Bootcamp.  We have something for newbies and for advanced marketers in our 75 lesson plan that allows Members to progress at their own pace and learn as they earn.

In our online training, we teach marketing fundamentals including:  

landing pages
lead capture
list building strategies
SEO techniques
Article Marketing
E-book creation
Promotion and Advertising
Prospect management
Ad Tracking
Web Stats
Offer Building
Free versus paid advertising
how to recognize bogus advertising sources
how to recognize legitimate advertising sources
Social Networking

George went on to say.

"We also teach our Members how to use the tools and resources  included in our membership along with our self-developed strategies to promote any and all their online businesses.

The model for promoting online is the same no matter what you are promoting. We like to say we teach our Members how to ride a bike by teaching them the Worldprofit system, once learned they can then ride any bike, and apply the marketing principles to build any online business.  

One of the advantages we have at Worldprofit is that after being around for twenty years, we have formed many partnerships and also developed complimentary sites and services that benefit our Members. This permits us enormous leverage for making offers, buying advertising, traffic and doing exchanges which our Members can tap into exclusively and use for promoting ANY online business, product or service."

Question: George, what makes Worldprofit different?

"We are a 100% hands-on company. We teach people how to market using tools, and strategies that we ourselves use consistently, or have developed and tested ourselves.    As a programmer and as a marketer myself, I have my finger on the pulse of the industry. I  can spot trends, identify needs, and build exactly what our members need.  We recognize that there are lots of peddlers out there making promises who don't stand behind what they sell. At Worldprofit we support the products and services we offer with our stand-out support team, 365 days of the year. This is unheard of in our industry and is what makes Worldprofit an industry leader.  We continually update our Home Business Bootcamp training lessons, we include video training tutorials, and we have LIVE weekly interactive training so our Members are never left without support or help as required.   Our Worldprofit Live Business Center holds the record for longest continual webcast, operating 24 hours a day. There are tons of software products out there, the difference we offer is that we are here to help people when they need it. It's not the software or latest gadget that is going to help you build your successful online business, it's training, and support offered by real people in the industry working along side of you. That's what we do at Worldprofit, we work daily with our Members. We are connected and reliant on our Members just as much as they are to us.

Question: George, I understand the company just celebrated it's 19th birthday, what to you see is the future for Worldprofit for the next 20 years?

"Online business opportunities have exploded in recent years, and that has meant our sales at Worldprofit have grown 10 fold.  We have now surpassed 1.5 million free members and are on our way shortly to 2 million members.  People like the idea of working from home, and the web has introduced unlimited earning opportunities, something for everyone. At Worldprofit we offer our own Reseller program but we have very much evolved into a training company in the last ten years especially, as people appreciate that affiliate marketing as a legitimate way to make extra money.   As more people participate in online earning programs they all need one thing - help in promoting whatever business they choose.   That's where we pride ourselves,  in doing the research and development to put into the hands of our Members, exactly what they need to build a successful online business - no matter what that business or affiliate program.  Technology is always changing, there is no standing still in this industry. We must always be working hard to keep our members happy and appreciative of the value we offer at Worldprofit and we plan to keep doing just that."  

Thank you George  for your time today.

Get a free Worldprofit Associate membership and find out how Worldprofit can help you build your online business or affiliate program- no matter what you are selling. Republished with author's permission by Ruthsella Corasol

make money with your web site

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Oldest System on the Planet Horse Player Haven Review

The Oldest System on the Planet – A
Horse Player Haven Review
Are you tired of losing at a horserace? How much did you lose for
following a bad horse racing system? Do you really want to be a winner?
If so, you need to change strategy. You need the Oldest System on the
Planet! However, before you fall in love with this system, I know you
are looking for a review to make sure this works. Well, here is my
unbiased and comprehensive review of M.L. Lane’s The Oldest
System on The Planet.
Basically, the oldest system on the planet or OSOP as what M.L. Lane
calls it is not the only topic in this eBook. However, OSOP plays a
very important part in his eBook and you will really appreciate how he
explains the system and how to become a winner effortlessly.
In his eBook, M.L. Lane explains the history of how he got in touch
with this system. He has been on a very long losing streak and losing a
lot of money. After discovering this system, he went from being a loser
to a certified winner! He keeps on repeating the line “you
can beat a race but you can’t beat the races”. He
has explained this line in great detail on his book, and you will be
really shocked of how simple this system really works.
Further in his book M.L. Lane discusses in great detail and simplicity,
the different benefits that the system can give. He even provided a
very effective illustration of forms and what part of the form you
should be mindful of. He also mentioned a very important trait of a
horse that is needed in order for it to be considered a winner horse.
And once you bet on that horse, there is a really great chance of
winning. Sometimes, the obvious things are the ones that we ignore, it
is right there on our noses and yet we still neglect to give it a
little attention. So, M.L. Lane included some of the most obvious
things that we fail to recognize and reminds us of how stupid we are
that we never really thought of considering those things. It is all in
the eBook.
The book does not only talk about how to win, but also on what to do
when you are winning. For some people, especially if it is their first
time to win a lot, they have problems on what to do with the money.
Some would use it to bet more on higher stakes and then ends up losing
everything. This eBook provides a secret technique that would help you
decide on what to do with your wins.
The thing that I really like about this book is that M.L. Lane admits
that this system is never perfect, it does not always let you win, and
however, it gives you higher chances and many opportunities for winning
if and only if you follow everything that is written. So try the Oldest
System on the Planet now, and experience the feeling of a winner!