Author's program note. Today is a red-letter day for me... one of the most important days of my life. For such a day nothing short of one of our weary world's greatest masterpieces, Beethoven's "Ode to Joy." (1824), will do . Please play it before you read this article. You cannot but feel the thrill and exultation. If a human being can do this, human beings can do anything. Find it in any search engine and turn up the volume. Then you'll know how I am feeling now as I prepare to give you a gift only I can give and which has taken me a lifetime to perfect.
Deaf... sublime.
When great Beethoven sat down to compose his 9th Symphony, of which the "Ode to Joy" is perhaps the most celebrated part, he was stone deaf. Yet in his capacious, extraordinary brain the music rang out to thrill the world. He could have said, "a deaf person cannot compose," everyone would have understood such a conclusion and offered the usual words of sympathy... but that is not the way of people with a mission to improve the world. They recognize no obstacle! Do not give way to defeatism! And reach deep into themselves to find what they alone can give the world and its people who rely upon such genius for relief! Instruction! And improvement! For you see those who have such a gift must give such a gift... and today I give such a gift, the greatest I have ever given, to each of you.
The struggling world... and the profound promise of the Internet.
I have now been on the Internet over 18 years, about a third of my life. During these years I have witnessed humanity's struggle to make sense of this monumental invention which has the undoubted power and demonstrated potential to connect people everywhere and enable them to say what they want to say without shackle or inhibition.
Now think a moment: for the first time, the very first time, in the long cycles of humanity each person can, with the simple expedient of an Internet connection, present himself, in all his wonderful uniqueness, to others who have the ardent desire to do the same, without the pernicious intrusion of any of the world's Thought Police who have intervened with impunity and malice in all previous epochs.
The Internet brooks no interference... no one telling you what you can do...when you can do it. Yes, for the first time in human history each person has a voice that can be heard... that must be heard.... and so transform the world -- for good and ill.
Is it any wonder then that I have selected "Ode to Joy" and recommended that you play it now... for on our troubled planet we need all the help we can get and the Internet is here to provide it.
From the very first minute far sighted folk saw that such a means of connection could prove to be a superb means of commerce. But how? Most didn't know and so, without guidance, commenced a struggle which left them frustrated, confounded, angry and, too often, embittered. How, they wondered, could this astonishing invention produce a golden outcome for them? It was a question that millions asked -- and continue to ask -- but which only a comparative handful have ever answered successfully. With the almost daily assistance of my cherished partners George Kosch and Sandi Hunter, I have found such success... and been given the opportunity to give it to others. Today we celebrate that opportunity and its ability to uplift! Enrich! And empower people worldwide.
It all started with a blank sheet of paper.
I am not just a writer, but a published writer, which is a very different thing. To write to connect should be every writer's objective... and it has certainly been my objective since my first article appeared in print 59 years ago, when I was 5 years old. You may well imagine what a heady thing it must be for that child, any child to experience such excitement. Once you've had it, you spend the rest of your life wanting more and doing what is necessary to get it. In this regard I have been most fortunate... having written thousands of articles and 18 books, mostly on business themes. My word has been carried -- and frequently, too -- on radio, television and on the lecture circuit. But my connection with the Internet has radically transformed the entire matter of content and given me the means to give you substantial advantage every single day.
As I have often said and frequently written and emphasized, "the list is the business, the business is the list." Thus each person desiring to succeed in business must spend a significant amount of time building a list, and this activity must be a part of each and every day that you desire to remain in business and increase your profit.
But maintaining your list, growing your list cannot, on the Internet, be your sole objective; that would be protecting your list and ensuring that you can use it daily to email ad copy to your subscribers. The problem is, if you only email ads day after day to these subscribers, they will quickly become disenchanted, even disgusted, with you... and manifest their displeasure by unsubscribing your list, thereby depriving them of all benefits you offer and yourself of their golden custom.
This is the exact situation in which most Web marketers find themselves... and why so many of these people are killing their lists, thereby killing their profits.
Here's where I -- and Bill Gates -- enter the scene and why you need to pay attention to our message. Gates has famously and enigmatically said of the Internet, "Content is king." What does he mean? Just that people will not put up with an unceasing avalanche of ad copy; they need more, much more. They need content... and if you create a blog and give them this content you can accompany it -- every day -- with the ad copy that generates the revenue. Problem is, most people cannot write engaging, meaningful copy and cannot afford the cost of hiring the people who could create such copy for them; it's just too expensive.
That's where I come in... I can and will produce such copy -- for free. And today we recognize and celebrate the completion of the first 365 articles, one for every day of the year. These articles, all about 1500 words in length, are timely, intelligent, often provocative, always informative and, my signature and pride, beautifully written. Let me explain the importance of these articles and why you are fortunate to have them: they save your all-important lists from being destroyed by your subscribers, people who want more than a steady diet of ads and as such are invaluable.
Let us be very clear with each other: if you email nothing but ads, you will kill your list and thus obliterate your business. Thus, you have these options. Email the ads anyway and test my thesis (suicidal); try to write such copy every single day yourself (highly unlikely given your writing skills). Or you could hire the necessary talent to do the work, thereby breaking the bank. Or...
You could use the copy I have created for you... and which I give to you, thereby enabling your list and with it your business to grow and flourish while I provide the necessary (and always beautifully written) copy. And that is why we are celebrating today... not just for what I have written... or how well I have written --- but because with these often lyric articles I am keeping your online business on the profit path.
"You millions I embrace you," and give you the best of which I am capable for our mutual joy -- freude! So now finish as we began... with Beethoven and his "Ode to Joy". For we, now working together, have everything to be joyful about! Let the celestial sound soar... as we do -- together! Freude!
About the Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc. , providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Dr. Jeffrey Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books. Republished with author's permission by Ruthsella Corasol
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