Friday, August 12, 2011

Straight talk about blogging. How to turn your blog into a money maker,with special information for your not-for-profit organization.

By Dr. Jeffrey Lant

Friend, have you got a blog yet? If not, you are not falling behind, you ARE behind. You see, a blog is a critical tool for making money online, whether you are selling products or need to raise donations for your not-for-profit organization.

What is a blog?

A blog is a conversation between you and your customers and donors. It enables you to present your message clearly, precisely, with the unfiltered emphasis solely on what you want these folks to know and do. When you blog, you call the shots and determine just what you want people to know and just when you want them to know it. When you blog no one can intervene in what you say or how you say it. It is 100% you, 100% of the time. The trick is knowing how to use this incredible communications device and power for maximum results.

Non-Profit organizations and the blog.

If you're running any kind of not-for-profit organization establishing a blog and using it to educate your supporters and donors is a must, especially now when the world is going through a particularly bad economic patch and many of your donors may be cutting back on the gifts which are essential for you doing your important work. When such periods occur (as they regularly do) you need to be even sharper about how to raise money... and your blog is an absolutely essential tool for doing so.

Donors want to know where their money goes.

If you want donors to keep giving to your organization, then you must tell them just what you need the money for... and inform them as you spend it. Blogs are ideal for this.

Say you're in the business of providing services to the elderly. Without a blog you are very limited in your ability to inform your donors. With a blog, the sky's the limit.

Your blog should contain

1) precisely what you are doing.

2) why it's necessary.

3) what you would like to be able to do.

4) how much that would cost.

For not-for-profit organizations a blog becomes a way to talk simultaneously about the results you're getting... and the crucial tasks you could undertake if you had more funds.

Here's the formula:

1) We have raised (dollar amount).

2) With it we are doing (specific activities).

3) We need to raise (amount).

4) Which will enable us to do (more specific activities).

Making your blog really interesting.

Blogs that work are blogs that are interesting. Here's how you ensure that your blog captivates readers and keeps them coming back.

1) Focus on key people in your organization. Let donors see the people who are using the money they've given.

2) Provide donor testimonials. People who are considering donating will like to hear what others are doing and why.

3) Feature the people who are benefiting from your service. They can provide valuable information about what you've done and how it helps.

Develop a "wish list".

Every non-profit organization on earth knows it could accomplish more if it had more funds. Use your blog to talk about what you'd like to do... and what it will cost to do it. Break down major projects into do-able bits... projects should never be seen as too big and too complicated. Big projects should be divided into stages.

Your wish list needs to be carefully considered and presented. It should always be clear, understandable and capable of being achieved day by day, donor by donor.

Have a "we wished" list.

Here's something you've never heard before: don't just talk about what you want to accomplish. Talk about items which have been on your wish list.... but which are now accomplished fact. When you talk about such items, thank lavishly. Who helped you achieve this beneficial thing... who gave money... who gave time... who volunteered, reached out, helped? Talking about the "we wished" items gives you the chance to give the gift of recognition.

Bring crucial information to your supporters and donors.

Part of your job is to provide continuing, in-depth information on the problem your organization addresses. To do this keep your eyes open and keep searching for timely, pertinent information.

When you see an article that pertains to what you're doing; when an important new study comes out; when there's new information from the government, let your audience know.

You can do so either by emailiing the details or, better, simply by emailng the link to the information with a brief introduction on why you're sending this. Remember: any chance you have to constructively interact with your supporters must and should be taken... this is how long-term, productive relationships are born and develop.

Share the good news... and the bad.

Remember, a blog used properly is the basis for an infinite number of long-term relationships. Such relationships must be honest, candid, real. This is especially true when things are bad. Open up to your supporters about what happened and why... and what you're doing -- right now -- to solve the problem. Believe me, I know how difficult opening up to your supporters in this way will be; you want to be perceived as "superperson"... but you're not. You're just a human, like everyone else, doing the best you can day by day, needing the help of other humans to achieve the objectives. This doesn't mean turning your blog into a psychiatrist's couch... it does mean being open with your supporters.

How often should you communicate with your supporters, donors, friends and well- wishers?

As often as necessary; whenever you have something important to say to them; whenever a word from you makes sense and can strengthen the relationship. In other words regularly, frequently.

How to write the best blog, in the least time.

Every organization needs a blog-meister, someone who is responsible for ensuring that the blog goes out regularly, consistently packed with all the details that you want readers to know. To achieve this result, delegate as much as possible.

1) If you're the sole person in your business or organization, write your blog a few minutes every day. The rest of the day, brainstorm items you want in your blog... and keep them in your important "blog idea file." In other words, when you're not actually writing your blog, you're thinking about it.

2) Ask others in your organization to help. Ask the person who's in charge of a new product to write up a blog post that tells why the product is important... what it does... why it's necessary, etc.

3) Ask the individual who's in charge of an important project to write an article about how things are going... and what needs to be done to keep things rolling along.

4) Ask an active volunteer to write a blurb on why she's so active... with a view to enthusing readers to tell you they want to help, too.

5) Use pictures and graphics to make your blog more visually appealing.

One more thing: be sure to contact me and let me know how this article and its detailed recommendations have helped you. I'd really like to know.

About the Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Dr. Jeffrey Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books. Republished with author's permission by Ruthsella Corasol

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