Why speed? Let me explain why. Speed is the essence of internet commerce. It's the driving force behind the niches of today and the massively lucrative niches of tomorrow. Think about how many different events shape the traffic, spending habits and browsing behavior of the internet. Well, you don't even need to think about it. Log on to Twitter and check out the trending topics for the day, or spend a couple of minutes looking at the trending topics of Google searches.
The truth isn't that we flick from one subject to another, unable to pick on one. It's that we as a species, have an interest in the here and now. We value current and new content more than we do the old and stale. We value the here and now a lot more than we do the been and done before. Content and trends go stale ten times as quickly online as they do offline, and without being able to keep up with those trends your products and websites could go the way of old.
How is this important for SEO? If you're not up there with the here and now, you might be missing out on search visitors, new sales and massive amounts of traffic. Without speed as an important element of your SEO strategy, you might find yourself unable to progress beyond the most temporary and fleeting sales spikes, and never really hit that $1000 day that you've always dreamed of. Without that element of speed, you'll never be able to hit the new trends and movement, and you'll always end up chasing the back end of someone quicker than you.
So next time you're planning an SEO campaign, make speed a priority. While it's not easy to climb the rankings ultra-quickly in a competitive keyword, it's not too difficult to do so if you're creating your own path. By being creative with your keywords, you can maximize your speed and get to the top of the rankings in no time at all. More time at the top means more time to sell your products, which in turn means more time to get in those lucrative affiliate commissions.
Ready to get there? The world is waiting for you, but probably not for long. Make speed a priority and you'll get out there while the market is red hot, not ten days too late when things are only luke warm.
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