by Dr. Jeffrey Lant
It was just the kind of event the Young Royals (Wills, Edward, and soon-to-be Princess Kate) could applaud and approve:
14 stylish students from England's tony Royal College of Arts donned self-designed matching Kate Middleton engagement outfits (so cute) with accompanying (copies) of the famous engagement ring; the one, you know, the ghost of Diana, Princess of Wales gave Kate the day she took her to her heart.
The pictures in the London papers, instantly beamed worldwide, were quite simply too, too...
This little photo opportunity was everything it should be: engagingly young, peppy, uncontroversial.
Graver matters involving the Royals, especially Her Majesty and the full panoply of lesser majesties were afoot elsewhere.
Freedom from information . January 19, 2011, a brand-new information law went into effect in the United Kingdom. It is best to style it a freedom from information act. Why? Because, quite simply, it exempts Her Majesty, Prince Charles, and Prince William from their kingdom's liberal freedom of information laws. This means that most of their activities will not be known for years, if ever; until that is long epochs pass after the slowest of bureaucrats can vet, deliberate, deny.
It is thought that the queen herself, known to her near and dear as "Betty Windsor," hoisted a festive glass (with impressive provenance) to celebrate the event, but we cannot be sure for this royal toast is classified, Top Secret.
Inquiring minds want to know.
Busybodies throughout the realm are, predictably, up at arms after this development which, per usual, treats the Royals as different from you and me. These inquiring minds, after the fashion of English revolutionaries throughout the ages, want to diminish, restrict, even abolish all semblance of royal specialness and privilege. They carry a portable stocks everywhere they go.... just in case an errant prince or erring princess happens by and needs immediate chastisement.
These people, and their number is legion in the increasingly egalitarian Britannia, are asking how such an act of inequality could possible be thought, must less implemented and even dignified as Law.
That's no poser at all. Cherchez le prince.
It is generally known and even more generally deprecated, that le Prince des Galles, Charles of that name and the Blood Royal, is a man with a bee in his (royal Stuart) tartan bonnet, indeed more than one. This new law will protect him (and the public, too, it's reckoned) from the never-ending effusions of his majestical pen.
Unhappily, we shall not know for years (if at all) just how insightful his constant jeremiads, commentaries, and elegantly pointed observations really are because they are now and lawfully so verboten to hoi polloi, like you and me.
Fortunately we do have some clues. Charles, to say nothing more, is a veritable whirlwind of activity on matters Green and his innumerable (sometimes distinctly odd) pet projects. Cabinet ministers are inured to powdered flunkies arriving at all hours whispering "From his royal highness, sir...."
Now these ministers are forbidden to publicize or even publicly mention or even acknowledge the existence of such correspondence. Charles' protective staff is said (unofficially) to be "relieved."
"The Sovereign is dead, long live her first-born child, King or Queen, whichever applies."
Monarchies, by definition, are conservative institutions, if not impervious to change then radically opposed to it. "We are already", they say "the top of the tree; we cannot see a future better for ourselves than the present; so we shall oppose and obstruct the unpromising future. It's what we do best."
But Britain, royal realm of many kings, is different from other monarchies. Their sovereigns are no less conservative than the rest... but they have a long proven ability to accept change just in the nick of time. However, they want it to be known that any change, any change at all, is their idea... not Parliament's.
That is why Her Imperial Majesty is fuming and fretting at Keith Vaz, Labour MP for Leicester East and now royal bete noir.
Vaz has distinguished himself by proposing legislation that would make the first child of the impending marriage of Prince William and Kate Middleton heir to the throne, whether boy.... or girl.
Now this -- the "Swedish option" so called because it's the way they do things at the shabby, infra dig Court of Stockholm -- this pipsqueek, this legislative non entity, this parliamentary embarrassment (for he has chagrined his colleagues before) -- has had the brass, the unmitigated gall to propose a change to the Succession... the very heart of the institution.
So fundamental a change would transform the thousand year old British Monarchy into a genetics contest, rather than the ultimate gift to the most privileged little boy on earth. Thus a (still unconceived) little boy would be transformed from the petted child of fortune... into an also-ran, a situation that causes royal heretics to remind: "So what else is new?" Princesses have known this particular humiliation from Day I."
Even the suggestion of such legislation makes Betty Windsor fume. She just won't have it, exhibiting an adamancy worthy of Queen Victoria.
Prime Minister David Cameron to the rescue.
What Mr. Vaz, MP proposes is probably as near to a certainty as these things ever get. But not at his suggestion; his time will never come, though his idea may. The time is not nigh. Not least, Cameron has reminded all that such a fundamental change could not be effected without the full support of the 16 British Commonwealth countries where Queen Elizabeth II is head of state. And there is no chance for this notion there... even if many want it and see the equity of the idea.
For this more than equity is about the entire fate of the monarchy itself, what that monarch can -- and more importantly -- cannot do. And here the stakes could hardly be higher... which is why Ms. Windsor will dig in on this issue, insisting that this matter for all, for the very fate of the dynasty is a matter primarily and of right -- for her and the males of her house. She will win now... but only for now.
Which is why, of an evening, she listens and listens again to Fleetwood Mac and its pounding admonition: "Don't stop thinking about tomorrow. Yesterday's gone... yesterday's gone." Indeed it is.
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Dr. Lant's is the author of 18 best-selling business books, as well as "Insubstantial Pageant: ceremony and confusion at Queen Victoria's Court." Republished with author's permission by Ruthsella Corasol ..
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